Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Dow almost +200 where's that silly little bear Fibo gone ... is he hibernating again.
Dow +400 and the fibo is nowhere to be seen.


Silly old bear.

I love postman's new signature!!! ................... Let's make sure we have a record here with date/time stamp

Sunday, June 28, 2020

@fibo_trader T2W's very own mega rich 'International playboy'.

Gone is the old signature:
@fibo_trader a sh*t trader, can't trade, is sh*t sh*t sh*t and trades Demo


God, do I love it so!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

General George S Patton: Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

General George S. Patton: Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book.
Fibo (international playboy): postman, you magnificent bastard, I read your posts. 😎🤣

Gave postman (Rommel) a chance to think about his blunder but he fails to recognize the trap set for him and he blunders right in and kills his own army of old lions (core T2W 30) 🙂🙂🙂🙂 Here's how:

See postman (Rommel's) signature above:

@fibo_trader, T2W's very own mega rich 'International playboy" .................. Love it! Fibo loves the way Rommel thinks 🙂 👍👍👍👍👍👍 (Bear market definition is < or = 20% decline. Done! Game to Fibo!)

How easy is it to nail Sharky's army to the cross? Cheesecake easy. Why? I read their books. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


For those who still might not get it: The BEAR market thread is already a raving success as the BEAR already happened and is still in force for every Index in the entire world except the Nasdaq!!!!

Hey guys ............... Fibo is very reluctant to fire bullets at people ............. Fibo holds back the power till there is no other way and even then looks and looks and searches for another way because ............. once the power is unleashed there is no way to turn it back off until End Phenomena

instead prefers to read their posts or books and nail 'em to the cross without firing a single shot. You see, its a terrible thing to kill a Man, even a Beta Male ............. I mean, take away all he's got, all he has ever had and all he will ever have. No, Fibo don't kill wantonly. Fibo has the Native ability to put anybody out of commission without firing a single shot

Like Daddy-O: 🙂

Hey guys ............... Fibo is very reluctant to fire bullets at people ............. Fibo holds back the power till there is no other way and even then looks and looks and searches for another way because ............. once the power is unleashed there is no way to turn it back off until End Phenomena

instead prefers to read their posts or books and nail 'em to the cross without firing a single shot. You see, its a terrible thing to kill a Man, even a Beta Male ............. I mean, take away all he's got, all he has ever had and all he will ever have. No, Fibo don't kill wantonly. Fibo has the Native ability to put anybody out of commission without firing a single shot

Like Daddy-O: 🙂

Fibo has the Native ability to put anybody out of commission without firing a single shot

You fired 3,000 shots and all missed why because they are all blanks.
Fibo is Jaffa, seedless, no kids thank god.
Hey guys ................ Thread Top Call revisted just for fck sake and put my d**k in the 30 bums - again! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This THREAD TOP CALL .............. Jan 26th, 2018. Did we get a BEAR? Yes. We got 2. And dig this. Even BEAR #1 that crashed into the Christmas 2018 lows rocked the world hard, hard, hard. But the 2nd BEAR drop from Feb 12 (19) to March 23rd .................. raise your hands if you say this is not a BEAR market!!!!

Salient features of the THREAD called BEAR ............

> 20%, way greater than the minimum for a BEAR market, i.e. > 20% decline
entire world of 180 countries down on their knees in lockdown
people dying locked in their own homes which became a prison of sorts and escalated the divorce rate yet to be accounted for
Hotel, Autos, Airlines industries bankrupt and asking for govt. bailout
Terror among the citizenry is clearly evidenced by the parabolic rocket shoot to the sky of the PERSONAL SAVINGS RATE
(people save save save and don't spend and tighten their waleets when terrorized about their future, they will not take on any new financial obligations)
Need I say more? There is a lot more, we have only scratched the surface of things that have already happened

Yeah, baby I saved the best for last: In 3 weeks the current BEAR blew away the 1.5 year entire drop of the 2008 CRASH!!!
Hey guys ................ Thread Top Call revisted just for fck sake and put my d**k in the 30 bums - again ...........................

they say that a picture is worth a 1000 words. I agree

Dow Jones entire history from the Great Depression up to year 2020 = 120 year history from year 1900 shown below in monthly time frame. Behold the magnificent horizontal yellow line shows the Top Call of indomitable Fibo, the international playboy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dow Jones weekly showing Fibo's Top CAll level - the horizontal yellow line 👍👍👍👍


Dow Jones daily showing Fibo's Top CAll level - the horizontal yellow line ........ yippie kai yeh

Hey guys ........................... Thread CALL is already a success/winner ...............
but Fibo wants more .............. ain't satisfied .................. so here is the rest of the story

GREAT DEPRESSION 2 ..................... Dow targets = 6450 = March 2009 ..................... will update further targets in a few months
Hey guys ..................... T2W members compared to Fibo .............. hurt their feelings? Nowhere near how much the market buggers 'em. Somebody has to tell these draft dodgers, pretenders the REAL TRUTH 🙂

Go to any thread on T2W and the theme is obvious:

They all miss the forest for the trees.
But its worse: they also miss the trees for the branches, miss the branches for the leaves, miss the leaves for the alveoli

The above is the definition of CLAUSTROPHOBIC and the most appropriate picture to go with it is a fella standing on a Manhattan street where all sorts of stuff is going on, music playing, restaurants dancing and great smells, great p***y walking by, all sorts of nice things - but the fella is staring into his iphone - oblivious to all this

That, my friends is T2W.

Small thinkers Central = missing the entire forest for the alveoli of the leaves = losers = think they're in a FAMINE.
Postman: Making money every day up AND down.
Fibo_trader: waiting 15 months for the perfect entry then misses it. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Hey guys ................. Vix, Vix, Vix, Vix ............. is all you need

She walks everyday thru' the streets of the financial Markets
She's innocent and young, from a family of NO means
I have stood many a nite outside her window at night
To struggle with my instincts in the pale lamplight
How can I be this way when I pray to God above
I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love

Despite the brim of my hat hiding the eye of a beast
She still loves me cause I have the face of a sinner
But the hands of a priest with a direct line to God.

For historians only .................... the wonder to behold = the 3rd of 3rd Wave

see previous post first. Then read the sentences here that go with the video below. Then take a quick peek at the thread title. Then dig this, "when the 3rd of 3rd wave gets underway in the financial markets it will be like here in the video ............. there is artistry inherent in it but nobody will appreciate it as the concommitant pain would be, although coterminus, monstrously huge - it is dduring this stage of the 3rd wave that deep deep deep will it be announced who will be the next superpower but we might not be able to decipher it correctly - but the message will be there for sure. Can Fibo get it? Yeah baby, Fibo can, but it won't be easy, it will still be excruciatingly difficult. But Fibo will get it.

The BEAR's 3rd or 3rd .................
The siren of the heart attack goes off in the 1st subwave of the 3rd wave at 9:47
The 3rd of 3rd wave aka killer wave begins at 11:33 when it goes into the harmonics of the golden ratio

When that trendline breaks it will be the 3rd of 3rd for which I have selected the music a long time ago ................... From 9:47 is playing right now. I expect the 11:33 mark will play when the trendlines are taken out northbound.

Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.
Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.

Hey guys ......................... there is no mistaking this phenomenon when it occurs. Visually it is totally clear and obvious, a tsunami unprecedented. But out there in the streets there will be a viable inflexion into internal TERROR as the general PUBIC feels it all at the same time regardless of nationality or geographical location worldwide.

The TERROR internal force will have to do with DEATH = DESTRUCTION = BANKRUPTCY = HOMELESS = dropping into a gutter and can't get out = Many driving when it hits will sh*t in their pants and never understand why or how such is possible = feeling of the end of the world is at hand ..................

but in reality it is only the beginning of the end of the world ............................ so to speak.
Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.
3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.
Yeah, she was lying to you when she said that.
She came to me afterwards and I gave her a 9 inch vixing. She left satisfied.
Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.

The wrath of BEAR is at first akin to a hear attack in the Left Anterior Descending aka The Widow Maker. But all this is happening in the MIND, not the body. This is what a 2 degrees of trend TREND wave will have.

A 3rd wave wave is when BEAR pours on the coal and unleashes the central core of his power that up to now has been held in check. But now no more will it be held in abeyance.

Prepare for stuff that ain't never been heard of, dreamed of, seen ever or even considered .............................

Help them father for they know not what's a-coming and are so ill prepared for a beast of this stature.
Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.

The wrath of BEAR is at first akin to a hear attack in the Left Anterior Descending aka The Widow Maker. But all this is happening in the MIND, not the body. This is what a 2 degrees of trend TREND wave will have.

A 3rd wave wave is when BEAR pours on the coal and unleashes the central core of his power that up to now has been held in check. But now no more will it be held in abeyance.

Prepare for stuff that ain't never been heard of, dreamed of, seen ever or even considered .............................

Help them father for they know not what's a-coming and are so ill prepared for a beast of this stature.
How's that 500 point rally into the close working out for you shorty!
What a loser.
Happy 4th July!
EDIT: 550 point rally, boy does it move fast! 😆 😆😆😆
Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.

Vix touchdown on the lower 1 H trendline and just below it is the 200-pd ema on 1H.

The Coefficient of Restitution must build and build and build unbeknownst to the PUBIC .................. and then comes lift off

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