Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Good work, 4x. I like your explanation, it makes good sense. Let's see how it plays out. Are you going to go Long SPY or do you have another(s) choice? Let's have it if you don't mind. Will give you an alternative view, might help, might not.
I currently trade Nadex binaries. Intraday. Traded yesterday and today for 3 profitable trades in a row. May take rest of the week off and look to trade the long side next week. I guess we have differing trade styles.
SPY: (New Trade)

Short entry at if/when < = 288.8 .................. STOP = 291.48

Short add to at if/when <= 287.42 ................ STOP = 291.48



Note: see that light blue trendline on the bottom of the chart? That is one of the trendlines that form a possible DIAMOND pattern on the weekly timeframe. I might need to study up on Diamonds but I don't believe the market really cares if the pattern is precise or not, approx. might be all it takes.


Those who fail to master History get slaughtered over and over again and still never learn. Next lifetime they repeat the same. 🙂🙂

History like the monthly chart gets its power from the hip, deeep power. We know the power of the 200-day, what about the power of the 200-week and 200-month? Yeah, dig it
BEAR MARKETS Riding the horse pizzazz:

That's what the thread is about. Trading is great but riding the Trend is infinitely greater. That's what I'm attempting to do here. Shots to the stomach? Yeah, dig it, you've seen some already by my sloppy entry into SPY short at ET in the opening post

So anyway, moving on.

Why take the time to study and dig deeeeeeeep into History for the emotions and the pain and the torture and turmoil and suffering within a BAR MARKET? Because in a Bull market every mother's son is a genius. But in a BEAR - the real warriors show up and ride to the finish line - intact. And dig this - they are then the first entrants into the new Bull. This is a game that has no 2nd place contender. Its the game of champions.

Looking at the GREAT DEPRESSION in hindsight as a scholar one is gripped by the vast magnitude of the suffering. One also sees the crazy greed and throwing all caution to the wind on the ascent to the TOP before the crash began. Investors were crazy. Then they died.

SAme story, different BEAR every few decades. Will go on forever. Why? Because Boom/Bust is implanted in all of us.
In the 3rd of Wave 3 on the Weekly chart it must have been terrifying for adults to hear the distant cries of the kids screaming in agony, "why can't you give my dad a job?" Terrible! And not being able to do anything about it.



The trading God's first lesson to Fibo: Live Fibo live by not dying too soon - every day you stretch your life during the early trading period, you are giving yourself a better shot to make it eventually.

Trading God's 2nd lesson: Think big Fibo. The TREND is for financial warriors. There is NO Famine in the Financial markets.
To it, then ...................

1926 - 1929 .............. Blocking out all the noise and cacophony of the taxi drivers, the waiters, the shoeshine boys jumping and dancing in the streets and investors and traders claiming the JOY will go on forever - block it all out and watch the footprint of the collective STUPID ONES on the price chart on M/W/D. Skip real time altogether, which is like a colonoscopy. You KNOW this is a 5th wave, a terminal wave. Why? Because just before it, there was a massively long sideways consolidation with triangle and whatnot, complicated stuff but all of it is a 4th wave. So you go back to the 1st wave in the sequence and project it up from the wave 4 low and boom you have your target for wave 5. 1st target = "5" = "1" ....... most common. If its exceeded, only then will you look for 161.8%, 261.8%, 423.6%.

A trendline thru' the 4th of Wave 5 will give you the line in the sand. When that breaks you cash out and retreat to a castle to enjoy.
Then a few days/weeks later after the first dive, there will be a rally (wave 2) which will retrace 61.8%. Nail that top by throwing cash at it a few or many times with stops. When it sticks, you're on for the long ride Short.. Ride on for 1-3 yrs.

Repeat in 1932 where YOU are the only warrior even bothering to look at the market. All the others are dead or long gone, disgusted, thinking it will never end. BEAR killed 'em all. You surely will know what loneliness is at this point. And everywhere you go with your friends, YOU pay the bill for everythng. that's just the way it is.

Every bull/bear, Same crap, same clowns, every damn time, never changes. MBA, Phd, MTech. Comp. Science, no matter, all get buggered.
For almost all players I do NOT recommend watching CNBC, CNN, BBC, Aljazeera etc., during a CRASH. turn it all off and just go strictly Price chart. I'm different. I will watch the stuff to deepen my understanding of the tools at BEAR's disposal. I can stomach it.

Behold the Great Depression curve from the 1900s to 1920's wave 4 consolidation, then the meteoric as usual Wave 5.

So if I was living at the time of the Great Depression and I knew some of this stuff, sitting in a coffee shop with others or even on the street, they would ask, "Fibo where is this going, will it ever end?" I would answer but they would not believe me anyway.

How easy is it to answer that question? Piece of cake. You see, BEAR has a weakness. He must go to the zone of the previous 4th wave of one lesser degree or to the absolute bottom where the Mania first began. Veryoften this is coincident.

Therefore Fibo already know-ed where the buggering would end.
So, on to today. If we have a BEAR in 2018 - 2019 as called in this thread, where will it end?

At the vicinity of the 2009 low or worst case at the 1987 crash site around 2,700, a 4th of 3 location.

Hahahahahahahahahaha, I sound like I just came out of a den smoking a chillum of Bombay Black

But my friends its all true, no joking. This is my CALL if my BEAR CALL is correct.
Keep eye on poster 4x when he sees this Dow chart monthly after the Great Depression low in 1932. The line connecting low and wave 2, extended would have kept 4x in his investments Long for 36 years and even beaten out Warren Buffet's great grand dad. He would liquidate only when the line broke. One rapid multiple entry over a few days, then hold for 36 years and exit over a few days unloading chunks.

Apply the same today. Poster 4x sold all his stuff in 2018 when the trendline from 2009 broke.

Who says we can't do the same nowadays? WE can.

Deutsche Bank trade proposed in posts#s 72, 125, 204, 215

#215 says I canceled it. Yes, dig it I have no intention of opening it, focusing on SPY

but it appears to have woken up by crossing Fibo's tendline posted in the posts above. Haven't changed a thing. Stop by the YMCA if you can. 🙂

Anybody takes it must use a STOP, don't got time to monitor it and defo not trading it even if it goes to the Moon.


June 13, 2019: fibo_trader expulsion watch from T2W countdown begins NOW.

Actual signal came in a few days ago at exactly 34 days since Fibo joined T2W. This is a Fibonacci number in the HERD brain.
Casualty expected by the next Fibonacci number(s) = 55, 89, 144, 233 ...... & so on.

Can Fibo last as long as 89 days? Unlikely. So high odds that on the stroke of 55 I will get the shaft from T2W

Signal occurred in this thread: 4 highly relevant posts to thread title were deleted as complaints from Nowler and a long-timer (with no trades, just generalities, Yawn!) complained.

SAme story everywhere - Fibo pays in blood for the ignorance and stupidity of Herd members

Note subject of the thread:

Isn't the EU rate being zero a red flag?

by poster, Nowler

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 Smiles are meant for real. Posting trades in a trading forum is what the game is supposed to be, but look around at the top posters here with 40k posts, then get a magnifying glass and look for posted trades. Let me know if you find any?
Isn't the EU rate being zero a red flag?

My answer, trying to put in some banter but nevertheless deadly accurate was

- - - L - - - - -

stands for DEFLATION

is our current environment. Interest rates has everything to do with Deflation. Look at all the QE by the FED to prop up the economy. Look at the same stuff in the EU and everywhere else. They are desperately trying to stop DEFLATION. But they are throwing us a curveball by deflecting it into INFLATION.

Look at Japan and see how their Deflation since 1990 has them buggered for 3 decades and counting. DEFLATION has arrived in the UK/USA but is yet in early stages and both countries are to be the NEXT JAPAN
🙂 No more visiting other threads by Fibo. Let's just stay in my own SPAM thread. Nowler complained about Spam but he is here in my thread sooooooo often to read more of my Spam, shocking! Hahahahahahahahaha.

More later as Fibo continues to get the shaft for dealing with stupid, ignoramusses. Same sh*t in real life. The 3 videos posted were spot on showing how the HERD became a HERD in the first place and why it matters in terms of DEFLATION/RATES.

Later, amigos 😎
Last time I visit this thread!

Thank you very much, 4x. It was quite enjoyable for me to have you here. You seemed to be the only other ALIVE fellow in this graveyard that I have sought to revive. I will miss you. 🙂 But understand this as I am sure you will be peeking in often - do you really think I give a - - - -? 😎 Its the same sh*t everywhere I go, in real life too. Trouble just follows a man, hahahahaha. 😀

None of my previous comments about liking T2W have changed, all still as positive as first mentioned. Big change now is that the "bit*hes" are coming out of the woodwork, hahahahahaha. I do love this, but will the authorities allow me to enjoy messing with these "bit*hes?
So will EURUSD go north or South? Bear market often mauls all currencies and it's not clear which currency will suffer more Euro or USD...

Your question here has been answered by one of your own $FXC in the thread that deleted all my posts as SPAM. This 36k posts cat started the bit*ching process. But behold, he said, "go USD long term bet at moment if it goes tits up will strengthen. He is correct but but but but .................note: his kind says sh*t like this alll the damn time, so do barbers, cab drivers, waiters and homeless people esp. when Dollar has already been in a bull run since 2008. But ask him if he gots the balls to place even a dollar bet right here in real time with time place form and event, he will crap in his pants, guaranteed. Such bit*ches find Fibo, they always do and latch on to him and moan and groan and complain)

My thread here makes it abs clear that the best-est LT investment is LONG $, short Euro for the next months and perhaps years. See my trade(s) on short EuroUSD right here in this thread. That short was closed as we now have a bear market rally. When competed, EuroUSD will again dive south like a son of a gun. GBP is in a perennial chokehold by the $ and is doomed to toilet paper down the road apiece, bear rallies notwithstanding.

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