Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Only Fibo knew that the extent of the sh*t to hit the fan could not be fathomed - that's how great it would be. And its here in 2020 although the warning came November 2017 and Top called January 26, 2018 ............. 2 years ago.

Mel Gibson said, "I took out a guy in Laos from a 1000 yeards out - in a headwind. Only 8 or 10 people in the world could have made that shot. That's the only thing I was ever good at" ..................... In this case there is nobody who could have made the shot that Fibo shot - especially with specifics. And there are many other things Fibo is good at. No shortage of areas of excellence and dominance.

Requests for forbearance have poured in. Forbearance requests grew by 1,896% between March 16 and March 30, according to a recent report from the Mortgage Bankers Association, a trade group that represents the mortgage industry. And before that, forbearance requests had increased some 1,270% between March 2 and March 16.

What a country! The United States! Always being the bacon home. 👍👍👍 It has its haters. Shocking that there are haters who are allies who in terms of hate surpass terrorists with aplomb. Donald knows this. So does Fibo. Fibo knows this in spades and can writ a friggin encyclpedia on the subject.

Behold the class and style factor that I mentioned in earlier posts inherent in a 3rd wave that was only just spotted by fibo due to allyson Felix ............... now dig this, something I did not know until today, but it makes sense because it takes a lot to impress fibo but when it happens its irreversible as in giving one's WORD = cast in stone

shhe had just had a baby 10 months earlier

Jesus H Christ ............... that is some class/style

What a country!
The 3rd of 3rd wave

Normally I would expect as has been the case ALWAYS, that a runner will do a full 5 waves during the course of the sprint or run - at the end there is always the tapering off in the 5th wave. Ths is quite normal and expected as the 5th wave cannot equal the 3rd wave in stature and aplomb. this is why you see many athletes slow down towards the end of the race.

Usain Bolt's 3rd of 3rd is at 40 meters in the 100 m dash.

But here's the thing with Allyson Felix. She finsihed the race here on the 5th of wave 3, not on the 5th of the 5th wave.

Rare! Rare! Rare! Have I seen this before? No bloody way!

Stunning does not even begin to decribe allyson Felix.

Big Joe should have spotted it when she was 18 but I must have been asleep at the wheel ........ behold the 5th of wave 3 as I mentioned, clear as clar can be that that's her specialty. She is therefore the only athlete I now of in history who finished a race on the 5th of 3rd instead of the 5th of 5th.

This alone takes my TA to new heights as it has opened the door tohow much I totally do NOT know

For historians only .................

Later today or tomorrow I will post what a 3rd of 3rd looks like on a Price chart. Included will be the full 5-wave run of the BEAR. The wave meaurments will be included with the caveat that within Wave 3 there is a possibility that instead of the 3rd of 3rd being the extended wave, it might be the 5th of 3rd as in the case of allyson Felix.

Bloody Hell, Fibo always learning, always in School - just the way I like it, could not have planned my Life better.

The thng is Fibo knows when he has redlined and will never ask for Help until he knows the redlined has occurred. then he throws out the distress call - the reply is swift - The MAN never hesitates to send in reinforements right away.

On Pages 1-10 of this thread when I had the bad trade underway, it took a while for THE MAN to send help - I never understood why until last week, I mean really understood it. There is redlining and asking for help. OK. But there is also redlining and asking for help and it does not come. THE MAN has you stay in redline zone for longer and take the hits and punches and blows and devastation - then the Angel is sent in just shyof too late. Boom! You walk away with exponential higher strength. That's what I want and the Man knows that's what I want but in the depths of pain I could cut my education short due to the pain being too much to bear- he knows this so will not send help until the right time.

Way too much for Fibo. The message is clear: to grow one must let THE MAN put the weight on one. But when it gets way too much, much too much to bear and win against, one has the facility to put the weight back on THE MAN. This is the definition of Growth in the realm of the SuperNatural - Fibo already walking the walk in this realm but only at rung #1.

The definition of Fibo? He who makes things GO right, regardless!
The finesse/class/style as opposed to sheer power is now being looked at by Fibo all over the place in Financial Markets and especially in LIFE and ART & MOVIES - this ought to keep me in busy enjoyment mode for the duration as the subject of the 3rd Wave is all encompassing, existaing everywhere mentioned already but even in Quantum Mechanics.

finesse/class/style within 3rd wave example: 2:30

16 million people just got laid off but U.S. stocks had their best week in 45 years
Published: April 11, 2020 at 3:49 p.m. ET

This how Fundamental Analysis traders (85% of T2W) would be buggered ................... firstly, when the market crashed from the 2020 Top they would be paralyzed becasue the Economy was humming and everywthing was rosy and complacent, they were therefore all Long and expected the LONG to never end. The CRASH would therefore rattle them to suchan extent they would freeze up and perish.

Thenwhen the bad bad bad news about businesses like restaurants, clubs, Mom & Pop businsses on the verge of failing and entire industries like Airlines and Cars dying, they would be SHORT to the Moon. But then the reversal rallly came and killed them again.

And now, in April, they are all back on (in ghost form as they already died twice) saying the bull market is back and that we are going to take out the top. But wait a second: see heading in this post - with unemployment so high (FA) how can they call a Bull-market as per their knowledge of FA?

Sharky, do you see where I'm going?

Nothing like cold hard cash = nothing like cold hard evidence ................... and this tme the Evidence was thrown in Fibo's face ....... Fibo don't like this sort of thing .......... letting such Ignorance go by without taking action screams of the way England is today, a has-been at best and in a bull-market in Political Correctness. Would England have tolerate such Ignorance way back when she was truly GREAT? No bloody way! Such ignoramusses would be hanged.

From Post 2022 in this thread ..................... 85% of your army think this way, Sharky.

Atilla said:
Hate to burst your bubble dude, but TA doesn't drive the markets.
Fundamentals do.

Priceless!!!!! 😎

Since T2W loves games, trading games like the S&P500 prizes for calling it - thread ................ can we try this test in HONOR of the great subject of TRADING PSYCHOLOGY ......... ?

Game proposed: Put out the order to all T2W members that there will be a $5/month membership fee for everyone.

(This ought to fly easily as your engine calls this place HOME ......... "based on the stated fact by your entire core gang: "T2W is our HOME") .............. example: NVP said, "jesus T2W is a really good forum and I am proud to call it home "

Then sit back, light a Seegar, drink some wine and watch the mass exodus ............................


When the dust settles, T2W will have only these fellas remaining:

T2W Bot
Lightning McQueen


God, do I love simplicity so! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Since T2W loves games, trading games like the S&P500 prizes for calling it - thread ................ can we try this test in HONOR of the great subject of TRADING PSYCHOLOGY ......... ?

Game proposed: Put out the order to all T2W members that there will be a $5/month membership fee for everyone.

(This ought to fly easily as your engine calls this place HOME ......... "based on the stated fact by your entire core gang: "T2W is our HOME") .............. example: NVP said, "jesus T2W is a really good forum and I am proud to call it home "

Then sit back, light a Seegar, drink some wine and watch the mass exodus ............................


When the dust settles, T2W will have only these fellas remaining:

T2W Bot
Lightning McQueen


God, do I love simplicity so! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Read quote first for context, then this ...................

The $5/month fee for T2W would not be paid even in a bullmarket (2009-2020). So, even in a bull-market when they are supposedly doing so well and the environment is conducive, they will still not be willing to pay 5 bucks to be part of this HOME. Imagine their stance in a raging BEAR! They mght be so indignant that they would burn the place down!

Bonus: I would pay the 5 bucks fee for member Timsk just so I could cuddle him DAILY ................. like so 🙂🙂

For Sharky,

Good morning Sharky, 🙂

Re: Not a single one of your army was prepared for this - not even one tiny bit

(1) Buffet sitting on 128 billion cash ......... for a reason
(2) Buffet says the drop in 2 weeks was BRUTAL ....... never experienced in 89 years
Buffett did not amass his fortune by following the herd but by leading it,” RIA Advisors strategist Lance Roberts recently wrote in a blog post. “He is sitting on a $128 billion in cash for a reason. Buffett is fully aware of the gains he has forgone, yet still continues his ways. Buffet is not dumb!”

Warren Buffett on the ‘one-two punch’ market panic: It took me 89 years to experience something like this
Published: April 11, 2020 at 2:31 p.m. ET
No job = no money = no honey = depression

The size and power and verve of Fibo's called BEAR - and this is only the beginning ............

Unemplyment claims are 30 times greater than the peaks of 1982 & 2009


This chart, going back over four decades, puts the suddenness and magnitude of the current collapse of the job market into long-term perspective:

Fibo's called BEARmarket: see earlier in this thread for refernces to the hghest degree BEAR in the entire history of the United States and Great Britain - and going back to Biblical Times. What then was the greater BEAR market that occured in the entire history of EARTH?

The greatest BEAR that occurred is the surprise surprise the very same reason wer are all here in the sh*t together, one big happy family of misfits - The Galalctic Confederation of 76 planets had a BEAR market that ended in the deaths of billions and billions and billions - date? Millions of years ago.

The current BEAR is no contest to that BEAR - it is way smaller and only planetary wide. The former was Galactic wide.

The current BEAR's first weapon spewed out of the BEAR as the CAUSE is the Covid virus that has now surpassed all other causes of death. In the 3rd wave down and the 5th it remains to be seen whether BEAR will spew out the same corona in heghtened version or a whole new army (financial, banks, housing, mortgage, rates, et., ....... hard to tell for sure)

But regardless, the deaths from this entire BEAR will pale incomparison to the deaths from the BEAR of BEARs outlined above that had deaths in the realm of billions and zillions due to the fact that the averagae population per planet was 180 billion and there were 76 planets. so try to calulate it it out. Its staggering.
Fibo's BEAR is kicking some ass and its only been during a 3-wk period of activity!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine what will happen if this BEAR goes as called by Fibo till year 2022-24+ ................. YIKES!

Already blown past Heart Disease ............. in just 3 weeks of action ...............

I've already thrown up a request for the next weapon by BEAR for the next leg down. No answer yet so I will try to guess in next post

9:44 AM, magnificent Sunday morning, April 12th, 2020:

Fibo's best guesses of the next weapon to be deployed by BEAR:

(1) Corona continues but a much larger wave of destruction, aka Wave 3

(2) US Dollar vertical shoot off like a rocket that kills all Emerging countries in a flash of fire and pours on DEFLATON rain

(3) Interest Rates plunge since 1982 reverses course and skyrockets - this will cause the Creditworthiness of the UNited States to go downhill and cause a mass exodus from Treasury - if confidence in the USA drops bigtime, it will be a massive wave, the likes of Las Palmas falling into the ocean - wave lambda 1 klick high

(4) Housing epic crash Richter worse than that of 2006 - 2011

(5) BANK failures one by one and the FDIC cannot bail them out - resigns and shuts down = REVOLUTION

(6) WAR between the major powers - if so, will go to the brink of nuclear like Pakistan told India years ago, "you come any further and we go nuclear" ................... the business community of India, drinking their fine wines and spirits hammered the prime minister on the head with a saucepan to stop fc**kin up their lives and call off the attack. Booom! done. India backed off!

(7) A combination of (2) - (5) and/or a combination of (2) - (6)

(8) Work in progress as Fibo racks his brains for angular velocities as this will not be a conventional eruption.

It is after all at least 2 degrees of Trend greater than the trend power of the great Depresion of 1929.

Fasten seatbelts, hide and watch
Fibo's called BEAR

Fibo loves to kick 'em in the ass. Whom? The Fundamental Analysts who bellow thru' megaphones that its FA that call the shots - Fibo reminding them again that the sorm came on a sunny day when people were at the beach, partying like ther was no tomorrow and unemploymetn was the lowest ever, people wer happy happy happy and optimistic. The shun shone brightly. then the thunderstorm came

Only PRICE (TA) warned of the calm before the storm

Game to Fibo!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Have you ever seen the rain comin down - on a sunny day? Yes Sir, I sure have!

Fibo's called BEAR market of epic proportions .............. without the benefit of the grapevine

They will say in unison that the one thing Fibo did not have was the benefit of the grapevine - rumors, stories, suspicions, talks, lectures, hypothesis and whatnot. Fibo had none of these things from the grapevine

There was only Fibo alone with majestic PRICE on the mighty Dow Jones. SPX was worthless to Fibo as even BEAR scofffs at her. The juice is in the mighty Dow JOnes, just only 30 fellas, but they are the elite special forces Unit - take them out and its all over!!!!

Alone and in silence, could not tell anybody because as can be seen at T2W, if the ones trained in Financial field cannot see what the f**k I'm talking about, how can the general Pubic? Can you dig it? Loneliness to the nth. Only small talk with the girls saved my ass otherwise I'd be dead from boredom.

God said, "Fibo, this is a 2-terminal Universe, you & woman, immerse yourself in the charms of women and the boredom will be cured!" He was right! Duh! 🙂

Fibo's called BEAR market of epic proportions ..............

Mortgage forbearance:

Now here is one thing I knew for sure would happen as a result of the BEAR ........... it had to. But wait, I knew more, way more, not enough but waymore than just this. Like what? The FICO scores will nosedive for 90% of the american population. Relief will be very necessary. Gone are the day so of filling out credit apps and only the high credit score applicants get the goods/services. If ths were true, businesses would fail by the second as very few would qualify.

This s going on as we speak and is now a firestorm.

Fibo's called BEAR market of epic proportions .............. forbearane rquents have shot up by 3,000% and climbing

forbearance: take it and go back to your cottonfields back home 🙂 Get some rest and enjoy, let the stress dissipate

Fibo says and know-ed that all bad credit marks would be wiped off consumers' credit reports and they would get a fresh start. Under current law, a person's credit file gets cleaned up every 7 years automatically (law might already be modified but I'm not aware yet) ................ all American Express over the limit charges (on high profile cats these could be hundreds of thousand of dollars above the standard limit) should NOT be paid off now by Fibo's advice. Call and tell them - not ask - them for forbearance.

Once wave 3 begins, within a few weeks or months American Express will go bust and the entire history of debt will be wiped out permanently - the BEAR will be long duration and the whole idea of forbearance will shift from its current definition and weird angles to a clear, "give my daddy a fresh chance to start anew and be born again" ........... boom, boom, boom! Fibo will be cheering for the little fellas who win here and GET THE FRESH START 🙂🙂🙂 The big sons of b*tches will take it on the chin and no bailout this time and no looking to the consumer to bail 'em out. BEAR will teach 'em a lesson

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