Sharky, see below for the
18,900 call for reversal of the Dow Jones from the Asian corona virus thread. This must be very upsetting for Trader333, he's got to protect the others from sure stupidity revealed in the presence of Fibo. Just remember that I am posting here at T2W and as per the Laws, all material belongs to you - I'm totally OK with that. If a Brit posted this stuff I am posting he would be blown a hundred times a day unanimously. But an American? He gets the axe.
Way too obvious that Brits and Americans do not mix
Might as well place a banner on the site, "NO Americans are welcome here unless they bow to Zod"
What a sham, Sharky. This BEAR market will destroy you. Take action now. BEAR spots weakness and goes right after them. In Finance BEAR goes after the debt-laden clowns and detroys them - they are easy targets as the debt is so heavy they can't even take a mild blow from BEAR.
For everybody else, BEAR will spot the weakness and ram his rod into it. At T2W the weaknesses are glaring. The name Trade 2 Win is dshonored on a daily basis and bears no resemblance to the real thing.
Pull the smokewagon if you so choose, but regrdless what you do, I am doing you a favor here. I'm not your enemy.
Peace, Sharky but smokwagon is acceptable. I'm ready for either one.
Launch pad for the Dow Jones is 18,900. It has NOT triggered yet as of 9:56 PM Thursday nite, March 19/2020 California time
When/if trigger fires it will be a massive surge north as it will contain both TECHNICALs and regular SENTIMENT but also RELIEF of catastrophy viruswise.
Futures are giving me no indication of any such rally aborning. But I don't a give a ......................
(Dow futures = red to green on and off now at +15)
Fasten seatbelts, hide and watch