The License Fee is a Tax, nothing more, nothing less.
As such, it should be administered and collected by the Treasury/ Inland Revenue, NOT the BBC.
It is beyond ridiculous that a massive 20% of the Fee is wasted simply in the process of collecting it.
Needs scrapping immediately, if not sooner.
It should not now and never have been the case that to access the vast array of commercial services provided to the public, be it by subscription or 'free to air' models, the consumer should be required to pay for the BBC as a pre-requisit.
This isn't about the merits or otherwise of the BBC as a service or Institution.
It's about how it's funded.
If it's a 'Public Service' then it should rightly be funded by the Public Purse - Taxation.
If not, then it's simply another broadcaster and should be funded commercially, as are all the others.
About time this question was settled once and for all.