It seems to me that pulling a random 4 flips from an infinite string is indeed what we're studying, as this is much the same as flipping a coin 4 times from cold. After all, that's what creates the string in the first place. I have no problem with that.
Good ho.
I've come to this thread late,’re lucky…
but if I understand it correctly, you are saying that one of these series of flips is unlikely to look like it 'ought to' in a dusty textbook, because in real life coin flips don't really behave in a neat 50/50 way, e.g astoundingly long runs when one least expects them (even though over time the percentage will be drawn inexorably towards 50% of each). Therefore the 7/8 parroted by all the books is too generous. I have a nasty feeling I'm on the wrong track already?
Already responded to this, but yes, you’re right and no, you’re very much on the right track.
If by some miracle I'm not, what I don't understand is how the difference between 7/8 [standard theory] and 3/8 [Gardner's] can be so large. If he'd said, say, 84% as opposed to 87.5% - no worries - but this difference is huge. Perhaps I missed a revision after Calinor suggested using a different start to the series? If so I apologise.
Andy has already covered that error in my calculations.
If the empirical formula is accounting for the lumpiness, such as 'unusually' long strings of heads, tails or anything that does not 'look like' an honest 1 in 2, which could of course easily mean one occasionally doesn't get a single consecutive HH or TT in, say, a whole five sets of 4 flips, then how does it account for when the lumpiness goes the other way?
What I mean is it is underestimating the standard 7/8 probability by such a large margin it must surely be wrong? I'd be really interested in why this Fib formula is more realistic [appropriate] than the dull textbook one as I just can't wrap my woolly head round it at all.
The factor of difference has been covered. It was the difference in textbook classical probability theory and that which I encounter on a daily basis in the markets that led me down this path in the first place. I could not (still can not) reconcile what I see with what I am given as a theoretical example.
Initially concerned that I was mispricing commodity futures options premiums, I instinctively looked for flaws in the standard pricing models – there are many – models and flaws. But it’s more than that. Even when you tighten the focus to purely ATM (which most models are geared to generate toward) and use hypothetically valid IV, there is simply too much ‘play’ in the premium for there to be any correlation with theoretical probabilistic derivations based on historical data. I know traders who trade for their living know more about real prices than do theoretical models, so I am working on the basis that those that do this for a living know the real deal, even, or perhaps especially even, though it deviates from the theoretical models.
I am looking for an empirical basis to substantiate that which I experience on a daily basis in these areas to replace that which have been using from the classical probability school which does not work on a day-to-day basis in the markets.
Though I think I understand where you are coming from. For instance my lucky coin currently has a 66% chance of coming up heads and thus it keeps making me short the euro, which is precisely what a lucky coin should be doing in this ephemeral moment of empirical testing. Yet soon caprice will skew its percentages t'other way for an indeterminate time, as my chairbound tail gets fatter. *shiver* I used to think I understood probability until you started reading about it. 🙂
Not necessarily. In fact, quite unlikely in our non-Gaussian reality. Which is what this thread is all about.
I don't see what 'real life' vs 'academic' has to do with it, unless you're thinking of coins landing on their side, coins being biased, the thrower being conciously or unconciously biased, quantum fluctuations, etc.
No, nothing cute like that. Academic perspective can afford to be objective and hold all but one factor constant. Real life does not allow that luxury. You get the ‘whole thing’ and ‘in one go’ and you don’t get to examine it or test it or query it. You just get to make your trading decisions upon it – there & then.
As the question, as might normally be asked, has a simple answer, you seem to be exploring something other than the mathematics of basic probability.
Well, there’s nothing sneaky in the question. I’m just asking those who are interested if, instead of the standard classical probability for this, what you might want to suggest as a basis for exploring the difference between that and what we typically perceive in reality.
This has bearings not just ion options pricing, but on those who use Kelly for optimum position sizing, for those who incorporate risk as a critical factor in their trading and for reviewing our Pw and Pl on a predictive rather than a retrospective basis.
I’ve long held that few traders last long enough to produce a statistically valid set of data upon which to operate with Pw and Pl. Having the ability to do so with fewer data but greater accuracy seems like a good thing.
It is possible that the question Bramble is asking is a slightly different question which sounds the same but isn't, and that is why the confusion. Maths may not be the answer to all our trading dreams, but maths is not inconsistent. It will not give you 2 different answers to a question like this.
We’ve corresponded via PM on this and you will be aware I don’t necessarily agree with you on this point. If we took the opposite as a working hypothesis, would we perhaps get a clearer view of what I think we’re after?
I think it is important for us to have the numerical answer, otherwise we could be just wasting time.
Classical probability theory has an answer and it has been given, correctly by a number of poster son this thread. I’m not arguing with that.
I’m asking if you were to toss a coin, right now, 4 times, with the intent of getting either two consecutive heads or two consecutive tails, would your results tally, en masse, with the theoretical ideal?
I don’t think they would.
Look, I’ve been at this problem for some time and it’s not coming easily into wordage that makes much sense. For those that want to play along and either (a) prove me insane or wrong (that’s fine – I can live with that) or (b) help me find what the fluck it is I’m trying to empirically assess, let alone prove, I’#d be grateful for your assistance. I don’t have the brain power to resolve it alone.
I’ll come up with an instance of what alerted me to this issue and we can perhaps work with something more interesting and less ‘obvious’; than coin tosses.