
Ok, can any of the mods explain why the 'conspiratory theories' thread was removed............To be fair to Sharky, i once had a thread removed and he reinstated it when i complained to him but i just don't c d need to always do that whenever i feel a thread has been wrongly removed.

Personally i would say CKB's last thread (Lance Corporal Devereaux) is in bad taste but rightly, it has not been removed cos somebody else might find it funny.............and d same principle should apply to all posts as long as everything is kept civilised.
Hmmm. I started to post a note asking why anyone would use T2W for politics when the web is full of places to sound off in - I still consider it to be misguided, it makes as much sense as writing to "Angling Times" about postwar Iraq in my view, but Sharky does indeed provide the lounge for those so inclined.
I think therefore the 'other' rule ought to apply - post what you like in the lounge, but accept that if anyone objects enough your thread is likely to be pulled.
I suspect Paul would be more than happy for T2W members to devote their time to trading, rather than arguing about politics. I'll argue with anyone, it's good fun, and I'm no apologist for Israel these days myself... if Paul wants to pull threads that's his decision, it's not as if he shot your dog.
Friends, TW2nians & countrymen:
Read the extract below, insert the appropriate name changes and here we go again.

Pax Romana

“Under the rule of Augustus, many facets of the government ran very smoothly, thus indicating that Rome was at peace. War was a distant thing, confined only to the most rugged frontiers. Thanks to the huge amounts of wealth from Egypt that were kept by Augustus after the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra, Augustus was able to throw elaborate feasts, festivals and celebrations for the people of Rome, to further the notion that peace had well and truly been achieved."

The Pax Romana was not totally peaceful, but Rome itself was largely safe and orderly even though the question of succession rose again and again. Relatively speaking, Pax Romana was the most peaceful two centuries of human history. Human frailty brought this period to an end; it is still with us.

How relevant is this to the thread & the complaints? – well - we should each examine our thoughts & attitudes and behave accordingly.

What a lot of posts here on the 'Conspiracy Theorists' thread - which was not pulled by the mods.

I initiated that thread and accidentally deleted that first post. As I have been working away this week and was a little pressed for time I didn't feel inclined to find out how to go about getting it reinstated. As far as I remember there were a number of good posts - some were even on topic!

Even us veterans screw up sometimes.

For those who wish to carry on from where that thread left off I suggest you start one and see where it goes.
NOW the light dawns, how conveniently he 'accidentally' erased the thread starter.... but who is 'working' Tony eh? NSA? FBI? CIA? KGB? VAT? Err... hang on, scratch that last one.
Originally posted by grubs50
Personally i would say CKB's last thread (Lance Corporal Devereaux) is in bad taste


Originally posted by grubs50 but rightly, it has not been removed cos somebody else might find it funny.............and d same principle should apply to all posts as long as everything is kept civilised.

erm, it has been removed

no-one has told me why, perhaps someone was over sensitive about it, i don't know, but do yuo see the Car Key Boi pi$$ing and moaning about it?


also, know this


only loozer nerds get offended

REMINDER: hot chicks don't dig over sensitive loozer needy nerds

see that hottie corporate gurl sitting in VIP?


see that needy loozer nerd traveling economy class?


do yuo think hottie corporate gurl is gonna be interested in joining mile-high club with needy loozer nerd?




- Car Key Boi,
madd opie with da madd paper, never has a problem with his first class seat / on the way to Argentina, hottie stewardess chick gave me a smile and an extra pillow / DIGTBK!
Im sorry but if the mods want to delete threads that they feel are inappropiate, then thats at the mods discretion, and other members don't need to know about it or the reasons for said deletion. Thats why mods are mods, isnt it.
>car key boi,
A brilliant post - the first time I smiled at anything on these boards for a long time.
As you might know, this place is referred to on other boards as TRADE2WINGE lol.
Personally I think that's an unfair title, there are some good people here, but it is apposite sometimes.