Banned Members - Noticeboard

  • Thread starter Thread starter vegas
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  • Watchers Watchers 2
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Active member
Hi All,

Always assumed that having a 'multinick' would easily be identified by T2W due to your IP Address been the same.

Recently read that you can change your IP Address very easily (or you can use a proxy).

Is this the case and if so, how does T2W identify those with a 'multinick'.

vegas said:
Hi All,

Always assumed that having a 'multinick' would easily be identified by T2W due to your IP Address been the same.

Recently read that you can change your IP Address very easily (or you can use a proxy).

Is this the case and if so, how does T2W identify those with a 'multinick'.


Yes, you can use a proxy. There's no way of stopping that if you're determined enough to get onto the site and make a nuisance of yourself.

Many ISPs use dynamic IP addresses anyway, so unless we ban a range of IP's (which often includes 'the innocent') we cannot stop that either. Some ISPs have static IP's and identification/banning is then easy.

We do have some other methods of identifying multiple nicks, but I'm afraid I'm not going to say what they are in case people figure out a way of circumnavigating them. Suffice to say that I think we probably get most (although undoubtedly not all) multinicks.
rossored said:
Yes, you can use a proxy. There's no way of stopping that if you're determined enough to get onto the site and make a nuisance of yourself.

Many ISPs use dynamic IP addresses anyway, so unless we ban a range of IP's (which often includes 'the innocent') we cannot stop that either. Some ISPs have static IP's and identification/banning is then easy.

We do have some other methods of identifying multiple nicks, but I'm afraid I'm not going to say what they are in case people figure out a way of circumnavigating them. Suffice to say that I think we probably get most (although undoubtedly not all) multinicks.

What about the use of different computers. Is the IP Address different with each one, so that one could join the site on different computers or does the ISP provider issue one per household (so one per internet connection via the modem) ?

vegas said:
What about the use of different computers. Is the IP Address different with each one, so that one could join the site on different computers or does the ISP provider issue one per household (so one per internet connection via the modem) ?


Depends. If you're behind a router, then all the clients have the same IP, as they would do behind a corporate firewall or some such. Independant connections will have independant IP's.
for a site thats been around for six years, I'd imagine a lot of people come & go. excluding the people with multi-nics who get banned
Banning may not be enforceable to a persistent offender but, at least, it gives a period of peace and quietness to the threads for a while. Multinickers keep coming back because they have it in their character that they are going to get back, come what may. The only answer is alert mods who are just as persistent in scrubbing them again.

I had an unlisted phone that most of my acquaintances took for granted that I wanted for personal reasons. Except for one. This person took it upon himself to spend most of his free time to get this number and, in the end, he did. How anyone can waste their time trying to do that, when there was another phone number available? This is the same with multinickers, they have nothing better to do and we do not know their circumstances, as they are anonymous. They could be confined to a wheelchair, for all we know.

Splitlink said:
Banning may not be enforceable to a persistent offender but, at least, it gives a period of peace and quietness to the threads for a while. Multinickers keep coming back because they have it in their character that they are going to get back, come what may. The only answer is alert mods who are just as persistent in scrubbing them again.

I had an unlisted phone that most of my acquaintances took for granted that I wanted for personal reasons. Except for one. This person took it upon himself to spend most of his free time to get this number and, in the end, he did. How anyone can waste their time trying to do that, when there was another phone number available? This is the same with multinickers, they have nothing better to do and we do not know their circumstances, as they are anonymous. They could be confined to a wheelchair, for all we know.

or in prison
evolution said:
How come you never really ban members?

What's all that about?

nasfut said:
Is it to do with hits to this site?

Take this 'member' for instance, on the same IP, playing some pointless game wasting everyone's time including his/her own, pretending to be two different people when in fact they are the same person.....seen it all before etc.

No, 60k don't post on the site - the servers couldn't handle it if they did.

Thread closed - it's a dead-end topic and if you're interested it's all been discussed before anyway.
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