Banned by Elite Trader

Have you seen how many posts I have. I think we both know that request is akin to urininating into a storm and expecting to come out dry and clean.

Do we agree?
Maybe easier to count who hasn't!!!!

Aaron you're far too entertaining to ignore and once in a while you do ask a reasonable question
My point was meant jokingly - it's even worse having to deal with some people when you're not even paid to do it...🙂
Come on Chartsy, he's not that bad!

He really doesn't like me because I took someone else's opinion (who made millions) over his on the housing market then after he insulted me I said I get pleasure out of knowing that he is old and therefore we won't be sharing the planet with each other for too long a time. I may also have wished for his death - I forgot most of the episode tbh.

That was back in the day when I used to respond to flamers and trolls.