>>It seems to me that irrespective of the job you do its how you approach it, your ability to see the problem >>and your discipline that will ultimately lead to sucess.
This is correct
>>Lighten up MrWisestGuy we are all friends here, no ones attacking you.
No, sorry that is not right . I never said anyone was attacking me , so please save the " I'm a peacemaker , give me a bit of attention " b#ll#cks. it's so obvious it's doesn't even score on the sneakiness scale.
I have my view , I give it , what others think , that's up to them , NOT you .
>>My opinion of the matter is that everyone is different, our personalities are unique and we probably all >>require different traits to be a good trader based on our uniqueness as human beings. Because I have >>a very strong creative side and have many ideas and thoughts, I'm not grounded that much.
No, there some traits which are desirable in traders and some which are not . this is old hat , we have all been through this chat already.
>>So I need a scientific/engineering approach to steer me in the right direction, which I gained through my >>work. Someone with strong logic would probably need to develop their creativity and understanding of >>human nature, etc
A long winded way of saying science per se will not make you win in the markets , which if so I have not problem with.
>>bomb defuser)" or trader or brain surgeon or kamikaze pilot takes a lot of guts as well as good nerves.
so a bomb defuser or kamikaze pilot has the same scientific knowledge as a doctor who is a MD ?
LOL , that's great.
guts is good on the battlefield but not in the markets , I guarantee you that
>>Russians are often regarded as top mathematicians so I guess your source is telling you the truth.
so we are to believe that this bomb defuser has a 1st in maths ? LOL.
>>Doing your DD short/long term as well as setting up your targets and stick to them takes some good >nerves. Today everybody is told to play the market with the stop/loss-function you have in many trading >applications. MM´s are aware of that and the sure take advantage of it. A scared Trader will never be a >>good trader. (own experience)
another name for this is called gambling . good luck to you coz you will surely need it.
Contrary to popular belief - scared money is better than brave money , scared lives to fight another day whereas brave money has only 2 outcomes each bet , win or die , sooner or later , it will catch up to you - DIE , gambling !
And now tell me that you have had great success using this approach coz I have a stock reply for you .