At what stage does SpreadBetting become unviable


Established member
Not sure if this has been the subject of a thread before, but could I have other members experiences of SB companies with regard to the size of the bet (£/pip) and customer/platform service. Have you reached a certain size bet and the SB companies have started to play silly bu**ers ? Or is it just prudent to move on at a certain stage. I am particularily interested in the trading of indices.


Have a search around on here, there's plenty of people who have had experiences of being put on refer to dealer, etc....

Depends on exactly what you will be doing aswell. They don't like scalpers who get in for £20 per pip and after the news are gone.

Loads of info on this site, use the search facility

As Priceman says - it depends on a whole load of factors and the good bad and ugly are all discussed at length on T2W. If you're trading indices and want the tax advantage of a spreadbet without the potential conflict of the house taking the other side, are worth a look as you get DMA in a spreadbet wrapper. Comms aren't particularly cheap, but if you're not scalping and face the alternative of handing Gordon 40% of everything you make, is worth considering.

Priceman - I thought you, like me, were giving up posting during the trading day 😉
Jack o'Clubs said:

As Priceman says - it depends on a whole load of factors and the good bad and ugly are all discussed at length on T2W. If you're trading indices and want the tax advantage of a spreadbet without the potential conflict of the house taking the other side, are worth a look as you get DMA in a spreadbet wrapper. Comms aren't particularly cheap, but if you're not scalping and face the alternative of handing Gordon 40% of everything you make, is worth considering.

Priceman - I thought you, like me, were giving up posting during the trading day 😉
That's exactly why I can't make money yet! Total lack of discipline. Oh and I'm using spreadbetting aswell. That's not to put you off either Nick, there are people on here who do make money from spreadbetting