Spread Betting Consultancy


Active member
The following is a result of a converstation I had with a senior management figure for a large SB player (at this stage its just an idea, I appreciate its a bit off-topic so applogies if its in the wrong place)

Essentially I am interested to get an initial list of people who would be interested in acting as technical / functional consultants for the Spread Betting industry.

Keeping things to a minimum if you:

1) Have the bandwith and interest to work on short / medium term projects (2-3 months) for a SB companies (e.g. platform evaluations, performance analysis, competitor analysis.)

2) Have been using a SB platform for over 2 years (regularly!)

3) Have some technical background ..i.e. do you know what UML is? OO Programming?

Please drop me mail giving some more detail on points 1-3:


Again let me stress the time factor , i.e. you must have time to devote to this so probably not suitable for day-traders..

Regards All

Thanks for those that have sent me their details. I will get back to people but I am currently evaluating this to see if its a serious proposition before I progress.


Still interested to hear from technical people ALSO I wanted to extend this to include professional traders (who use spread betting companies) who do not have a technology background but have a good trading exposure - i.e. understand what a contingent order is, market depth, difference between Fill and Kill , Fill and Stored Orders, Spread Trading ...etc etc.

Thanks for reading.
Hey jk,

I am interested, and have strong technical experience in the Trading Industry. I sent you an email at your gmail account.
