Astrology Trading?

You have found some great information beach runner.really glad about that.
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do you use it yourself? it's relatively rare to see traders who use them.
however, if it works great for you, do not let this deter you from pursuing it........
did a whole host of tests a few years ago, when I was going through my hippy, mystical phase.
didnt find anything I would objectively call an edge.

I would like to re-explore the subject, but cant find the right forum for it.
Yeah pipfx, I use it. There's another thread on here from a year or two ago debating this same thing. I used lunar cycles and called turns in EURUSD several days in advance; shut-up some deniers. I got lucky really b/c with the astrocycles sometimes the market is not in sync with the projections - it happened to be a good period.

The best use i've seen is intraday - check out Al Larson, His moontide program is decent, though you must use time windows around the times, as they are not always exact. Overall i'd say a slight edge may be present with certain astro techniques in certain markets.
I use astrology for trading but only for stock markets and not for bonds, forex or commodities. The astrological events I use seem to work with stocks, but not on other markets. The only thing I have found to be working for currencies is the Mars-Saturn cycle, but it is not exact enough for me. I try to find reversal dates with an orb of 3 trading days in either direction. The mars-saturn cycle gives big reversals but the orb can be as much as two weeks and that is too much for my trading style.

I found astrology to work in combination with cycles. The most important cycle I use is the cycle with an average length of 17 weeks (often called primary cycle or week cycle).

Each year I make an Excel sheet and I list the following astrological events:

• Aspects between planets. (I only list aspects that have proven to correlate with reversals. I found these in various books. Tip: in “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Vol III” by Raymond Merriman you find in the back of the book an extensive list of aspects and the probability that a bottom/top of a primary cycle will occur. The highest probability is an aspect with a value of 91% that a cycle top/bottom will occur. That is something to watch.)
• Planets going retrograde/direct
• Planet transitions
• Are there multiple planets in the same sign?
• Birth chart positions: are planets making an aspect with an important position on the birth chart of the USA or the NYSE?
• Moon events: full moon, new moon, min/max declination, apogee, perigee, conjunction and opposition to Saturn, moon eclipse, sun eclipse (True Node going retrograde/direct).
• Bradley turning dates (many people don’t know these are based on astrology)

Besides, I also have separate list of all the events from Merriman’s book and the probability of a cycle reversal.

See the attachments for a snapshot.

I try to trade the cycle bottom and/or top and sometimes also the midcycle low.
Please note that this means I am not a day trader but hold my positions for several weeks and try to catch big moves.

When I find a cluster of astrological events, this could be an indication of a possible turning point. I make a list of possible turning dates for the year. These are about 6 to 8 time periods when I plan to trade. It depends a lot on which astrological events fall together within a cluster, but I learned from experience what to trade and what not to trade (and I am still learning). I do not trade based on 1 aspect or event, there always must be several events within a short timeframe, preferably a trispect.

The problem is you never know how long any reversal will last. Sometimes it is several days (and you are wrong when the price of the turning date is broken several days later), sometimes it is several weeks. Another disadvantage is that you might have more clusters within a short period when a cycle top/bottom should be expected. So you should first wait for confirmation. I found out that bottoms are easier to predict than tops. Bottoms are often clearly indicated by clusters of moon events.

It took me a lot of study but I found the subject very interesting. I read a lot of books on astrology and stock markets and found a lot of them useless or not suited for my trading style. I have full time job and do not daytrade, I prefer moves that last several weeks. The books I did find useful are listed below:

Recommended reading (ordered from basic to advanced):

• The cycle trading pattern manual:
• Merriman on Market Cycles, The Basics - Raymond Merriman
• Astro Cycles - Larry Pesavento (a must read)
• Stock Market Timing Volume 3, Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles - Raymond Merriman
• The key to speculation on the New York Stock Exchange - Jack Gillen
• Time and Money - Robert Gover
• And of course good ephemeris. I use both Raphael’s Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris as none of them includes all data I need.

Software: Aspectarian: Astrological Aspectarian for calculating exact planetary aspects

Finally I would like to quote Larry Pesavento wrote in his book Astro Cycles: trading with astrology gives you an edge, but it is not the holy grail. I completely agree with him.


  • March 2013.png
    March 2013.png
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  • Cycle values.png
    Cycle values.png
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I've heard on more than one occassion that Renaissance have a couple of strategies that look at some of this stuff! Though, it's always hearsay, I wouldn't be surprised!
Anyone here trading according to how the Moon/Planets/Stars are positioned? Have no clue myself, but know people trading after certain patterns and it works in some strange way.

i use moon ingress to trade with tight stop loss. works so far so good.

you can find all the moon ingress and aspect of the day at Swiss Ephemeris for Astro Trading. Transits. Today's Aspects. Declinations. Astrolog Software. Today's Moon Aspects. Astrological Chart. Trine. Square. Conjunction. Daily Aspect. Planets. Full Moon. Heliocentric. Geocentric.