Hey Zildog,
I have a couple answers for you. One, I wouldn't focus on how much you could make, but how much you can lose. You can lose alot and you can lose it a lot faster than you can make it. The main difference between succesful and failed traders, is that the former were focused on how much they could lose and the later, how much they could make. Really smart people can lose their shirt in the market, and a moron with a good strategy, discipline, and risk and money mangement can make a boatload. No one is smart enough to figure out what the markets will do, no one knows.
Also, there are no indicators that will help you figure out where a price will move, you will never figure it out. Buy by using price action, indicators, and other strategies you can gauge not where the market will move to, but where it is currently moving. Once you know how to read what's currently happening, you can make some trades around that.
I hope that didn't sound negative. These are some of the things I've learned that have helped me. I'm a newbie trader who's yet to make a dollar on the markets, so don't pay too much attetion to me.