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But how difficult is daytrading? How long time did you use before you got a stable income from day trading? Do I have to accept some big losses in the beginning?

Day trading is easy. Profiting from it is the tricky part. 😀 I have tried it and find that I lose as much as I gain, plus it is too stressful for me, not to mention very boring just staring at the screen. So, day trading is not for me. I swing instead. Yeah, baby, yeah. It suits my personality. You need to try it to decide which trading style (day, swing or position) suits you.

Length of time for successful retail traders: I've heard anything from 6 months to 2 years.

Big losses: No. Use a demo account. Learn what methods work and which ones fail. I don't see the point in wasting real money on testing a system any more (wasted enough in the past). When you feel you have an equity curve that is generally rising over a month or two, then you can try it with a small pot of real money. Patience, like anything worthwhile, is the key. Unlike many things in this buy-now-pay-later, get-rich-quick world, you have to put the effort in. There is no easy system. Even the idiot's way of making money (buy property and sell it a year later for profit) is falling apart*.

And learn discipline and money management.

*- I have very little respect for retail "property developers"; the sort who buy a house, paints it or updates the kitchen and sells it for profit. Sarah Beanie has proven that you could still get it wrong and make money; she would give her professional advice on Property Ladder (I think?) which would be ignored; the "developer" would still make money, simply because the house prices were increasing. Frankly, if you'd bought a house in 2002, emptied your bowels in the middle of each room, sold it a year later, you'd have made money.
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Volume on Crude Oil Charts

I am finding my feet trading (been spreadbetting just under 12 mnths) and I have been spreadbetting with crude oil (NYMEX & Brent) recently. I have just been trading simple crossovers on MA's & using stochastics with ranges, with just minimum trades. One thing that I have noticed is that there is no intraday volume with oil, why is this? I have subscribed with, and I also tried the "oil traders edge" which I found gave lots of news after the event, but no real pointers and no live charts.
Where can I find historical series of 1) Dow index readings on an hourly basis , 2) Ftse index readings on an hourly basis, 3) Similar quotes on an hourly basis for 'Daily Futures' for Dow and Footsie including during 'non-trading' hours.
i bought a technical book, describing TD COMBO by Tom DeMark, but i cant figure "who's on third".
The illustration samples dont jive with the described setups. The instruction use words like "this/that/prior" leave room for abiguity. It woulda been easier to have used a-b-c-d and 1-2-3-4.
eg: If day "a" is equal or greater than day "1 and 2" then proceed to the next test. If the day "b" low price is equal or lower than days "6 and 7"............very specific, no room for ambiguity.
Can anyone clear this up for me?

Anyone know what i'm talking about?
Eg: The
hi all where can i get the lowest spreads on the dow and dax future and live hours.

The spread on futures are not dictated by a broker, but rather by the market. You should see the same prices regardless of the broker you choose since all they are doing is passing them through.
Hi everybody, i am new to this forum, can anybody tell me where i will get the advice/suggestion for intraday trading at bse and/or nse?

Hi all,
Thanks for the efforts made to build out it seems to be a great forum. I'll be around here more often.:clap:

I'm a 33 year old average guy living in an average town with low capital. I've made a major in psychology :smart: 😱 but still not sure if is that that I wanna do. One thing is sure... This forex thing looks great, and I´m very motivaded to make something out of this, I love the autonomy and idependence od this life style, the study, the general economic and political knowledge, the IT technics, the web, it's great, just hopping that it works :cheesy:

I´m learning this forex "stuff" for around 6 months, so still in the beggining...
I'm interested in developments made to the system presented in the book "Logical Trader", specialy that ACD system in with you can calculate the points made in each day accordingle with p.a., +1,+2,+3,+4 and -1,-2,-3,-4 for the last 30 days. And the effects that might have in the carry trade currencys and/or the roll over days.


I'd slow down if I were you and try to master some of the more fundamental basics before moving onto guru ****e

Hello, Do you know anyone who has, or do you have, information and measurements of ESP-signal succesfullyness?/unsuccesfulluness -thank you. :
This new sticky thread is targeted to all new members and existing members who are making their first posts.

In this thread, feel free to ask ANY question relating to trading, however simple you think it is. Our forum advisors and more senior members will be happy to answer them for you! :smart:

:!: If you think your question requires more than a quick reply, it's best to create a new thread in the appropriate forum, so that a discussion about it can develop.

Has anyone tried the new (Nov 2007) version of "Dont tell the professionals"?

I've been on a demo account with acm for the last while, and found their platform good, and am thinking of going live, has anyone used them? are they good?
I also had a call from Sean Banks, and Charles Maxwell insisting it would be a fantastic opportunity for me to 1)invest in Royal Petroleum, &then 2)invest in a company for $1.96, they would then buy back the amount invested, and everything would be fine??!! Yeah right,(all it would mean there would be no chance of getting my money back)??!! I have given them 5 working days to come and pick up these so called share certificates??!! I have also told them not to bother me again, Charles Maxwell said he wanted to retire before he was 50,not with my money?!!
Any opinions on OmniTrader?

I do not actively trade but at this time just want to get a feel what is your opinion of Omni Trader software by Nirvana

I have started trading Forex ,but like the idea of using daily signals.

Does anyone reccomend any particular Forex alert services which have good performance and a low price?

Thanks for your help


Hello friend,
I have developed an Expert Advisor that will itself tell you when to go long into, when to exit long and similarly when to go short and whe to exit short. I have developed it for Metastock users and it can be used to trade anything, may it be Equity, Futures, Commodities and FOREX as well. I am ready to give it to you on trial for one week. You may check its accuracy which is above 95%. 5% I allocate for individual's trading discipline and Money Management. You may drop a line on [email protected]
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