Newbie Questions
Hi all,
Taking you up on your offer to post "any" question...
I'll try be brief - I would like to start trading e-mini's (me an dthe rest of teh world right?) - anyway, I am Syndey based and need to get all the bits lined up to get going - my questions are as follows:
1 - Being in Sydney, Australia, can anyone recommend a good trading platform to sign up with to process my trades. (I am assuming this is all I need to actually place trades and access the info I need, charting, etc., to make decisions. If this is not correct and I actually need to setup various things, please let me know. I point out that I am in Sydney in the hope there is an easy local provider which will make transfering Australian dollars easy - if not, so be it)
2 - I am also operating on the assumption that I will need to pay a monthly/Annual fee to get access to this trading platform as well as commission per trade ($2.5). Is this correct
3 - I guess then the final step is the toughest - I need to learn how to read the charts and make my decisions. Any tips on where to start, books to read, forums, training courses etc.
Many thanks to you all for your help in advance.