UK interest rates slashed again in emergency move.
The Bank of England has cut interest rates again in an emergency move as it tries to support the UK economy in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
It is the second cut in interest rates in just over a week, bringing them down to 0.1% from 0.25%.
The fresh rate cut takes interest rates to just about the lowest they can feasibly go and the lowest they have ever been.
When they say 'slashed' they really mean modest cut as the existing rate was already near as dammit bugger all.
Firm decisive leadership is what we'll need in this crisis
Q-Boris- are there going to be travel restrictions?
A-"There are no plans to close down the transport network in London and there is zero prospect of any restrictions being placed on travelling in and out of London."
B- Zero prospect, meaning it won't happen in any circumstances?
A- The PM said he would "not hesitate to bring forward further and faster measures where necessary"
Q- So when you said 'no plans', ' zero prospect', if the situation changes you are totally unprepared, right Boris?
If it changes you have; no plans' in place to deal with the changes?
Got that?
The usual answer yesno.
Vassal state/sign T.May's deal/get Brexit done
I can't be prime minister/I'm the only choice for prime minister
Zero prospect/every prospect
Amazing what a giant thatcher now appears in terms of leadership compared to every Tory pm who followed her.
Coronavirus: 'Zero prospect' of restrictions on travel in and out of London - Downing Street
The government moves to dampen down speculation that a full-scale lockdown of the capital could be enforced to combat the
Having had a mild dose of the virus I'm looking forward to the end of the 7 day quarantine. NHS advice is once you've had it and temperature normal you're fine to mix with people outside the household again. Fingers crossed that remains true - I'm looking forward to going out for a sweet and sour - I'd kind of like to start spending in the local small businesses again asap, they're going to need a lot of consumer support to recover from this.
Just back from T*sco s.
No bread
No milk
No household supplies
No spuds
lots of empty shelves
I look into my crystal ball and see armed gangs out scavenging supplies if it gets worse.
I was the only one there wearing a mask and got some funny looks !
Informed today that we may need to get hands on involved in overseeing liquid oxygen deliveries to existing hospitals and any new facilities.
Mrs. timsk always gets some cash from the hole in the wall at Sainsbury's when she does the weekly shop. (Before you ask - I'm doing manly things while she's doing that - proper Monty Python lumberjack style). Anyway, where was I - oh yes, the ATM was empty this morning. The thinking is that everyone is stock piling cash at home in case they have to self-incinerate and ask neighbours and friends to buy them more bog roll.Next thing run on the banks - get spending.
How do you know it wasn't bog standard flu 💩😆
Informed today that we may need to get hands on involved in overseeing liquid oxygen deliveries to existing hospitals and any new facilities.
When he said there are "no plans", did you think he meant that there are no plans for how to do it, or that he meant he is not planning to do it, or both? Or that he was lying about both?
Let me put it this way. if you were running things, would you keep Boris totally in the loop?
Won't be as grim as carting coffins about!
Just back from T*sco s.
I was the only one there wearing a mask and got some funny looks !
Speaking of empty hotel beds…. I briefly heard on Channel 2 News, New York, an idea that is being bounced around is to put people who need hospitalization (but don’t have the virus) into empty hotels and give them medical attention there. If they do it, the thinking is that hospitals will have beds freed up for those who do have coronavirus where they can be isolated better.You know all those empty hotel beds.......?