Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Bailouts cause distortions in the market and make society poorer. When an airline goes bankrupt the planes don't disappear, the airline will be bought and made more efficient by the new owners. If there is demand for their service, people will keep their jobs, if there is no demand, all we will end up with is zombie companies supported by the taxpayer competing with more efficient companies. We are in this situation now because of the Central Banks reluctance to allow companies to fail after the 2008 financial crisis, and is exactly what the Austrian Economists warned about, to the few who bothered to listen.

What will be your attitude to bailouts when all British airlines have gone out of business and air travel in/to/from the UK is resumed by Air China Ltd.?
What will be your attitude to bailouts when all British airlines have gone out of business and air travel in/to/from the UK is resumed by Air China Ltd.?

My answer is that bailouts cause distortions in the market and make society poorer. If Air China can satisfy all the demand in the UK without UK taxpayer support, what is the need for British Airlines?
My answer is that bailouts cause distortions in the market and make society poorer. If Air China can satisfy all the demand in the UK without UK taxpayer support, what is the need for British Airlines?

Yes, bailouts are damaging. But the government of China does not play by the usual economic rules and they readily utilise their "private enterprises" as instruments of the state. Nor is the UK etc. in normal economic times. Emergency circumstances call for emergency response. The UK government should do whatever is necessary to, if you see what I mean, stop time at the moment the covid-19 emergency started. We should not allow a foreign, hostile, undemocratic regime to take advantage of the epidemic and simply sweep up our economy into their swag bag.

Once the emergency is over, government should get out of business. At least with the current administration being Conservative, there is every probability that is what they will wish to actually do.
My answer is that bailouts cause distortions in the market and make society poorer. If Air China can satisfy all the demand in the UK without UK taxpayer support, what is the need for British Airlines?
You could extend that to most of the UK economy 🙂
@tomorton The problem is that the monetary and fiscal response to the 2008 crisis were meant to be "Emergency" measures and they never managed to reverse those policies. You keep mentioning China, but look at the state of Japan.

Each bailout necessitates an even bigger bailout in the future...this is déjà vu all over again!! I'm just repeating what I (and all THE AUSTRIAN ECONOMISTS) was saying this back in 2008, 2009, 2010...2011...2012...etc
@tomorton The problem is that the monetary and fiscal response to the 2008 crisis were meant to be "Emergency" measures and they never managed to reverse those policies. You keep mentioning China, but look at the state of Japan.

Each bailout necessitates an even bigger bailout in the future...this is déjà vu all over again!! I'm just repeating what I (and all THE AUSTRIAN ECONOMISTS) was saying this back in 2010...2011...2012...etc

In the current emergency we have to do what we have to do. If we don't take appropriate steps, we will certainly regret it long-term. Its always possible that measures will be hasty and will need to be rescinded: this can take time and they may attract political or commercial supporters who support their continuation. None of this makes them wrong.

If a house is on fire we have to smash our way in and pour water into the fire. If this causes damage I'm sorry. Damage is better than total loss.
Don't bail out BA, bail out Virgin instead.


Three Reasons Why Politicians Must Leave Oil Markets Alone

"Efforts by US policymakers to boost crude prices and to throw a lifeline to high-cost US crude producers is the exact opposite of what prices are telling us the market needs at this time. Seeking to prop up the least efficient US oil producers through import penalties or production quotas risks further misallocations in the sector going forward. "
Clearly from this live webcam at Piccadilly Circus social distancing is at an end and public gatherings are de rigueur again.
No police around to enforce the ridiculous 'guidlines'.

I keep talking about I, Pencil
You do indeed
and things are happening right before our eyes.
They are, aren't they?

Now what?

Perhaps you could include some more entertaining Austrians in your replique - say, Arnie, Erich von Stroheim, one of the Strausses (I'm not particular) or perhaps good ol' Nikki L..... 😛
Plenty of fake headline news on the BBC to keep you satisfied!

Plenty of fake headline news on the BBC to keep you satisfied!

I'm confused - which of the below is it:
a)the number of deaths that's the hoax
b) the claim that the number is double what's expected
c) that the number (doubled or not) was expected
d) that the peak may be over as claimed by experts
e) that the experts are indeed experts
f) that the story really did originate with the BBC

I'm sure I've left a few out but I'm close to peak claret.... so things are a little hazier than usual.
OMG 🙄 🤔 😱
Now that really is Ott, Att!.....and a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts.
Many of them went to Harrow and Winchester (which latter's alumni could at least be expected to have decent manners) and a fair few went to some minor Public Schools, not worth mentioning.

Barbs aside* The Sutton Trust's briefing paper on the social background of MPs, would appear not to support you.

"Conservative MPs elected at the 2019 General Election were the most likely to have attended a fee-paying school: 41% compared to 30% Liberal Democrat, 14% Labour and 7% SNP..... "

The above Stats suggest that the Conservative party has either been infiltrated by MP's educated at Grammar Schools ( I believe some still exist) or, even worse, by those benefiting** from a Comprehensive education. Either way, it's amazing that Brexit got done with that breakdown.....oh, sorry, it hasn't been, yet...but I'm sure it will be, one day.

*cue bad pun fest

** I use the term very loosely

I'm confused - which of the below is it:
a)the number of deaths that's the hoax
b) the claim that the number is double what's expected
c) that the number (doubled or not) was expected
d) that the peak may be over as claimed by experts
e) that the experts are indeed experts
f) that the story really did originate with the BBC

I'm sure I've left a few out but I'm close to peak claret.... so things are a little hazier than usual.

The claret is probably helping, I'm waiting for someone else to answer your list, as the MSM are doing a really good job of confusing the public (as usual).