Asian Coronavirus Outbreak


No luxury of working from home (apart from all the DIY jobs around the house)
Ever ready, prepared and preempted, my Key Worker travel letter obtained Monday of this week.

Tips in case you do get stopped.
Carry some assorted medicines in your vehicle.
Carry a bag of shopping in your vehicle.
Carry a note from your mum in the vehicle. 😛

Yorkshire always did lead the way in clearing commoners off the land that belongs to them.

🤣 🤣 🤣
He should be worried.
US is set to top the Covid19 league table pretty soon.

Are we there yet !

CV let me know if you are up for a game of chess?

Sent you a 3 day challenge. 👍
Oh dear, what is it that the BBC are not reporting?


All readers of the thread probably need to watch this, which seems to lend weight to the idea that viruses are natures response to poisoning.

T333 post 757 vid
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Reports that those workers that can't work from home (eg warehouse operatives) are complaining that they still have a job whilst others are managing to sit at home having a break on 80% pay, promised helicopter money paid for by current and future tax payers as promised by Rishi Sunak.

This raises a couple of questions:
  • Why are people being paid 80% helicopter money, when in reality they probably only need 40-60% as survival rations?
  • Why aren't remaining workers being paid a bonus as an incentive for people not to slack off when they don't strictly need to?
  • Why aren't people told that they will need to pay back at least some of their free handout, thereby encouraging them not to spend it all on their usual crap?
  • Why will it be left to the tax payer to foot the bill for the rest of time?
  • Why aren't the banks (whom we bailed out 12 years ago) not paying back their billions plus interest that should be now due?
  • Why haven't mortgage rates dropped in line with the base rate?
  • Why are the self employed issued with grants, that they will have to pay back when permies don't need to pay back their helicopter money?
  • Why are large sections of the self employed going to receive no help, still expected to work and pay taxes, when large sections of permanent employees get free helicopter money for doing nothing?
As usual, there is no fairness, the chancellor is full of lies and this is the point where sympathy for govt efforts starts to wain.
At what point does the govt announce that those that have caught it, recovered, now have immunity, are able to go back to work again, they are fit and don't need 80% of wages as they can start earning?
At what point does the govt announce that those that have caught it, recovered, now have immunity, are able to go back to work again, they are fit and don't need 80% of wages as they can start earning?

This is going to be a key question after the infection and mortality rates start to drop. Believing I've had the virus I also hope that I have life-long immunity. But maybe its a bit premature to take the risk. I certainly want to get out there and resume spending money asap after the lock-down so an antibody test and some reassurance on immunity would help the survivors (which is the vast majority) get on with re-building the economy.
Here's the relevant link to the Gov.UK website: High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)
Scroll down to the definition of HCID - apparently Covid 19 doesn't meet these criteria. Yet, one day after this was published BoJo announced the lock down. This is seriously weird and very concerning, IMO. What the fcuk is going on????
In order to help reduce catching / spreading the virus when out and about, should we all adopt the niqab?
Seems eminently sensible.
(still think wearing inflatable dino-suits was a great idea, though)

Stupidly, I bought a Dalek (uninhabited) sight unseen. I'm too tall to fit inside. Hence, It's for sale, pm me. No reasonable offer refused (Buyer collects)

I thought it might get me in and out the supermarket quicker.
For police encounters, the plan was to warn them first:

"All humans will stand aside"

I figured that it might result in a stalemate as they wrestled with one thought after another..

This is my chance to go down in history- first cop to arrest a Dalek

How the fcuk are we gonna get it into the van?

What section of law applies here?

What if this is actually a real Dalek And it starts exterminating everyone?

How do you open a Dalek and drag the cheeky bastard out ?

At that point I would have declared myself a transgenderd Dalek and threatened to report them for a hate crime.
Here's the relevant link to the Gov.UK website: High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)
Scroll down to the definition of HCID - apparently Covid 19 doesn't meet these criteria. Yet, one day after this was published BoJo announced the lock down. This is seriously weird and very concerning, IMO. What the fcuk is going on????
Timsk, be ye not so timorous!

Look at the list of what are HCIDs already - mostly nasties with a muuuuuch higher mortality rate. When you get to 30% it's basically bend down and kiss your arse goodbye.

...and on that cheerful note, I'm off to to replenish the grog chest and buy a potato or two.

So, I'm going outside now and I may be some time

PS: keep up with the spelling 🙂
Here's the relevant link to the Gov.UK website: High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)
Scroll down to the definition of HCID - apparently Covid 19 doesn't meet these criteria. Yet, one day after this was published BoJo announced the lock down. This is seriously weird and very concerning, IMO. What the fcuk is going on????

Whats going on is the Government now has new powers to shut the country down for 6 MONTHS if a 'national emergency' is declared. All that is needed in the future is to get a government quorum to declare a national emergency and the population can be 'locked up' under pain of imprisonment. Locked down seems less Orwellian than locked up dont you think but it still amounts to the same thing.
Another of our liberties has just been eroded.

Btw a pathologist friend tells me he has never seen lungs so completely choked up and that it must be a desperately horrible way to die as people struggle for breath. If one of mine died in this way I’d be pretty miffed at it all being called a hoax as DK is prone to do.