Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Can the ones who have had the virus go out now ?
Those that live on small islands and castles must be happy.
Pull up the drawbridge pablo
Has anyone yet started a consipracy about why we've not heard a peep from Obama, B-Liar, Soros, Branson, Gates, the bloke from facebook or Mr Google, et al the globalist kabal illuminati Davos group of G7?
Has anyone yet started a consipracy about why we've not heard a peep from Obama, B-Liar, Soros, Branson, Gates, the bloke from facebook or Mr Google, et al the globalist kabal illuminati Davos group of G7?

I don't think they need to get involved. Trump is all over the place with Covid19.
Apparently all Mericans can go back to work real soon. 🙄

Maybe someone forgot to tell him that they are still on the upward curve.
Has anyone yet started a consipracy about why we've not heard a peep from Obama, B-Liar, Soros, Branson, Gates, the bloke from facebook or Mr Google, et al the globalist kabal illuminati Davos group of G7?

There are some rumours that some very big names inc Merkal/Macron who both have been quarantined are going to get taken out by the 'good guys'

Highly skeptical of that tbo. It's not likely that they would need to lockdown the whole world to carry this out. But..

..If there is one thing I have learned in the last few years is that some things that sound incredible (ie not credible) have turned out to be true.

And secondly, no matter how much you think you know, and how attatched you are to your strong beliefs on certain issues you must , really must remain open minded.

In fact, I would expect people on a trading forum to approach new info with the same scientific approach that they had when they were learning how to trade.

Although we all would like easy answers to lifes' problems and, in particular, this crisis, discovering the truth always is a lot of work. Particularly in this upside down world where truth has to hide in the shadows and is called hate speech.

Too often, we allow others to do that work for us. This is the open door that the gatekeepers use to enter the discussion and attempt to mislead us.

Today, it was quiet on the roads and generally. There's a sombre mood in the air. It's as if the message is getting through that, for now we, must put aside personal feelings and do what we can to get through this in the way we are famous in history for.

Not just the Brits, but all the different cultures that ultimately dig in during hard times and work together. And not in the phoney neo liberal/progressive way but for the good of their country to preserve their way of life.

Maybe this crisis will bring out some of the better qualities in human nature.

And crucially, as a junior MP has said, this must be a temporary state of affairs and not an excuse for a power grab by governments.

I'm hearing propaganda along the lines of 'our way of life has changed' (Chris Evans on Virgin radio) but it's Ok the sun is still shining and we can still play records. With guests Martin Lewis OBE /Ainsley Denzil Harriot MBE, telling us we could manage, maybe with less money and eat less food/ better homemade.

Some people need to diet, true. Some People have a lot of money, also true. But we don't need to change our way of life for a flu virus, anymore than we need our way of life changed by 'terrorism'

And anyone who says we should is not to be trusted.

Those people (eg Sadiq Kahn- bombs are part of living in a major city) will need to have their words , verbal and written studied forensically by those in the general public who are increasingly concerned about preserving the way of life that others lost their lives to defend.

We have only recently defeated the remainers and made a stand for democracy, the last place we need to be now is in a one step forward, two steps back situation.

Unless proved otherwise this virus is no different to all the past 'pandemics' that didn't have the numbers to justify the fear mongering.

I've rambled on a bit tonite I know, but I really want to remind everybody that fear is what the bad players count on to keep control and that the people ultimately have the final say.

Never think that that there is nothing you can personally do to make a difference. We only each need to do whatever we can..

Speaking of which, on a final note, would you please sign this petition to help our NHS staff during these difficult times. And please forward the link to others.,

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Can you do us all a favour....the bellend seems to be running wild again.
Next time it's banned, can you make it permanent.
There are some rumours that some very big names inc Merkal/Macron who both have been quarantined are going to get taken out by the 'good guys'

Highly skeptical of that tbo. It's not likely that they would need to lockdown the whole world to carry this out. But..

..If there is one thing I have learned in the last few years is that some things that sound incredible (ie not credible) have turned out to be true.

And secondly, no matter how much you think you know, and how attatched you are to your strong beliefs on certain issues you must , really must remain open minded.

In fact, I would expect people on a trading forum to approach new info with the same scientific approach that they had when they were learning how to trade.

Although we all would like easy answers to lifes' problems and, in particular, this crisis, discovering the truth always is a lot of work. Particularly in this upside down world where truth has to hide in the shadows and is called hate speech.

Too often, we allow others to do that work for us. This is the open door that the gatekeepers use to enter the discussion and attempt to mislead us.

Today, it was quiet on the roads and generally. There's a sombre mood in the air. It's as if the message is getting through that, for now we, must put aside personal feelings and do what we can to get through this in the way we are famous in history for.

Not just the Brits, but all the different cultures that ultimately dig in during hard times and work together. And not in the phoney neo liberal/progressive way but for the good of their country to preserve their way of life.

Maybe this crisis will bring out some of the better qualities in human nature.

And crucially, as a junior MP has said, this must be a temporary state of affairs and not an excuse for a power grab by governments.

I'm hearing propaganda along the lines of 'our way of life has changed' (Chris Evans on Virgin radio) but it's Ok the sun is still shining and we can still play records. With guests Martin Lewis OBE /Ainsley Denzil Harriot MBE, telling us we could manage, maybe with less money and eat less food/ better homemade.

Some people need to diet, true. Some People have a lot of money, also true. But we don't need to change our way of life for a flu virus, anymore than we need our way of life changed by 'terrorism'

And anyone who says we should is not to be trusted.

Those people (eg Sadiq Kahn- bombs are part of living in a major city) will need to have their words , verbal and written studied forensically by those in the general public who are increasingly concerned about preserving the way of life that others lost their lives to defend.

We have only recently defeated the remainers and made a stand for democracy, the last place we need to be now is in a one step forward, two steps back situation.

Unless proved otherwise this virus is no different to all the past 'pandemics' that didn't have the numbers to justify the fear mongering.

I've rambled on a bit tonite I know, but I really want to remind everybody that fear is what the bad players count on to keep control and that the people ultimately have the final say.

Never think that that there is nothing you can personally do to make a difference. We only each need to do whatever we can..

Speaking of which, on a final note, would you please sign this petition to help our NHS staff during these difficult times. And please forward the link to others.,

You are in the right place David.

I can assure you that the contributors on this and other threads have very open minds. Some have been dragged kicking and screaming, but they got there eventually. 👍
I don't think they need to get involved. Trump is all over the place with Covid19.
Apparently all Mericans can go back to work real soon. 🙄

Maybe someone forgot to tell him that they are still on the upward curve.

No sooner do I whisper his name.......self isolation is too good for him.

Anyone else looked up and noticed a lack of planes in the sky?
Yep. It's also a much quieter place, even though I am away from the roads, it's much more peaceful.
I can actually hear birdsong!
Probably just the much milder weather, but last couple of evenings, astronomy has been a pleasure with the clear night skies and warmer evenings.
Yep. It's also a much quieter place, even though I am away from the roads, it's much more peaceful.
I can actually hear birdsong!
Probably just the much milder weather, but last couple of evenings, astronomy has been a pleasure with the clear night skies and warmer evenings.
Did you see the STARLINK Train 2 nights ago I was outside looking but didnt catch it.