Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Well, well, well. West Virginia finally got it’s first case of coronavirus recently after all the other U.S. states have. Maybe when brothers and sisters get married to each other there could be fringe benefits to marrying within the family that geneticists are unaware of. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Also, a lone sane medical opinion amongst the tirade of madness ...
"I am a GP and Specialist Functional Medical Practitioner," wrote Dr Meeta Tanna.
"The fact that canned food, toxic chemicals and hand sanitisers are out of stock but fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs are fully-stocked, shows that humans have no idea how the immune system works."

The biggest faller in the FTSE 100 was cruise company Carnival.

It lost more than a third of its value - 34.22% - to fall to 620p. In mid January it stood at 3,114p.

Seems floating cemeteries have gone out of fashion.

Counter-productive in a strange way, as in themselves, cruise liners represent excellent high-capacity isolation facilities.


You know all those empty hotel beds.......?
Question is what is the strategy for lockdown, do they plan for giving notice or will it be a no notice job. Will it be City by City or for the country?

Panic buying must have peaked by now, that can't be sustained even in the short term, people grow weary of panic and return to standard+ shopping habits, once adrenalin returns to normal. What about Cortisol, Melatonin, Vitamin D?

How slow will the slowdown be? How long will it last? What controls will be applied?

Many questions.

Everything will be in place Friday. As schools close down, so will all shops apart from supermarkets. The army are already mobilising to all areas to keep order and enforce Govt policy. Movement exemptions will be key workers. Quite how that status will be known is unclear at the moment.
Strategy?? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

How optimistic.

All we can say for sure at the moment is that this is a monumental global fuck-up of epic proportions.

No doubt this will be accompanied by equally gigantic doses of shitfuckery by Governments worldwide as things progress.

The good news, however, is that for traders, once the crash hits some kind of bedrock, the only way is up !


Well OK, under the current circumstances, if I had the chance to ask the Prime Minister a question, I might ask what the plan is for when/if the virus hits prisoners and staff and the police and the NHS and the doctors (I suspect doctors may have drawn up a rota already, to decide who will go sick and when and how that could be managed) and the military?

Ahhh the military, how do you manage the spread in the military to ensure that we have a fit fighting force on standby at all times, jeez, just thinking about that little problem is giving me some shivers.

If I was a journalist with access to govt spokespeoples, these would be the sort of questions that I might be asking.
Everything will be in place Friday. As schools close down, so will all shops apart from supermarkets. The army are already mobilising to all areas to keep order and enforce Govt policy. Movement exemptions will be key workers. Quite how that status will be known is unclear at the moment.

They will just rely on the ID cards that all these sorts of people carry anyway.

Plus delivery drivers and lorry drivers and farmers and ......

Cops on major junctions, snap checkpoints, armed guards outside donut and coffee shops.
Largely symbolic, but worth a mention:

New York Stock exchanges closes trading floors.

"While we are taking the precautionary step of closing the trading floors, we continue to firmly believe the markets should remain open and accessible to investors,"

"All NYSE markets will continue to operate under normal trading hours despite the closure of the trading floors."

Question is what is the strategy for lockdown, do they plan for giving notice or will it be a no notice job. Will it be City by City or for the country?

Panic buying must have peaked by now, that can't be sustained even in the short term, people grow weary of panic and return to standard+ shopping habits, once adrenalin returns to normal. What about Cortisol, Melatonin, Vitamin D?

How slow will the slowdown be? How long will it last? What controls will be applied?

Many questions.

And so it begins. At least they are choosing the partial approach with notice, better for people and the economy.

Helicopter money for everyone is probably the most likely answer, £500/£1000 per person per month?

Would keep most afloat, fed and watered.

Expensive though, where does the money come from?

No new domestic cases in China, but the Hang Seng continues it's downward spiral as imported cases become the problem.
Perhaps its a cunning plan to shut down Parliaments ( no bad thing ) and for the army to take over under another Corporal ( Hitler and Napoleon were Corporals ) to kick off WW3 ( not a good idea). For the world to be saved by religious nuts promising life after death ( oh goody).
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Are churches, mosques etc. going to be closed down ?
Or perhaps a load of prayer is the remedy ?
Everything will be in place Friday. As schools close down, so will all shops apart from supermarkets. The army are already mobilising to all areas to keep order and enforce Govt policy. Movement exemptions will be key workers. Quite how that status will be known is unclear at the moment.

In France you have to print off a document stating exactly why you are away from home. If you don't have a document or it is not believed then you are fined €135 each time.
So the slow approach has been the UKGov approach all along, @trendie video explains it nicely, a better comms plan by the govt would have gone a long way to alleviating the media hype, instead of calling it 'herd immunity' (which is no doubt the technical term) that means nothing to most people and even worse explains nothing, they could have just put out public information films like trendie's vid on the TV, I'm sure many people like myself have been confused over this approach as it was never explained properly.

They have also given the public an opportunity to follow the social distancing guidance, which they haven't, hence the London lockdown begins. Let's hope the rest of the country starts to take this more seriously otherwise the lockdown will spread until we are all forcibly confined to our rabbit hutches.

To get through this more easily we need to get the beers in and enjoy yourselves at home, but still with freedom to walk and cycle and drive our cars. Help out where possible but leave the emergency services to get on with it.

It would be interesting to see the official stats and projected outcomes, that would also help with individual planning for the next few months, there are problems with releasing official info though as people will take it as set in stone.

More targetted guidance and a better comms plan (not media pundit invoked, as a large sections of society have turned off MSM nowadays or just get news from social media) would have helped would help to reduce panic levels.
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Anyone else think Scotland shutting schools for 5 months is a massive over reaction!

Ms Sturgeon added: "The clearest guidance I can give is that schools and nurseries will not reopen after the Easter break.

"At this stage I cannot promise that they will reopen before the summer holidays."
Western Govt's are not taking this seriously enough, which is why the spread is now out of control.
When we look at the test positive figures, the numbers are growing exponentially. The additional problem is that there are a host of epicenters as opposed to the Chinese Wuhan situation. The Chinese cracked down hard and were able to get this under control. Western Govt's are failing to take the same measures to deal with the problem.
By Monday, the rest of the world will have overtaken the total cases in China. The charts look very different between mainland China and other locations.
That might due to the fact the rest of the world population is 6 times the size of China.
So the slow approach ...

To get through this more easily we need to get the beers in and enjoy yourselves at home, but still with freedom to walk and cycle and drive our cars. Help out where possible but leave the emergency services to get on with it.
Unfortunately alcohol producers are turning production to producing hand sanitisers.
