So the slow approach has been the UKGov approach all along,
@trendie video explains it nicely, a better comms plan by the govt would have gone a long way to alleviating the media hype, instead of calling it 'herd immunity' (which is no doubt the technical term) that means nothing to most people and even worse explains nothing, they could have just put out public information films like trendie's vid on the TV, I'm sure many people like myself have been confused over this approach as it was never explained properly.
They have also given the public an opportunity to follow the social distancing guidance, which they haven't, hence the London lockdown begins. Let's hope the rest of the country starts to take this more seriously otherwise the lockdown will spread until we are all forcibly confined to our rabbit hutches.
To get through this more easily we need to get the beers in and enjoy yourselves at home, but still with freedom to walk and cycle and drive our cars. Help out where possible but leave the emergency services to get on with it.
It would be interesting to see the official stats and projected outcomes, that would also help with individual planning for the next few months, there are problems with releasing official info though as people will take it as set in stone.
More targetted guidance and a better comms plan (not media pundit invoked, as a large sections of society have turned off MSM nowadays or just get news from social media)
would have helped would help to reduce panic levels.