Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

And a quick look at the markets so far today ....

Overnight, Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 lost 1.7%, the Hang Seng in Hong was down by 1.9%, and China's Shanghai Composite fell by 0.5%.

At around lunchtime UK time the FTSE 100 was down 4.7%.

The FTSE 250 is down 5.59%.

France's CAC 40 is off 5.7%.

Germany's DAX is off 5.3%.

Amsterdam is down 5.1%

& US markets have followed Europe and Asia down.

The S&P 500 has fallen 5.21% to 2,397.79, while Dow Jones is down 5.22% at 20,129.70.

The Nasdaq has lost 4.33% to drop to 7,017.38.


Crude down ~12% 😲
France is really over reacting isn't it ? Complete lockdown will ruin most of their small businesses and some larger ones too.
Many of the dead and percentage wise there are not many, would have died anyway.
Britain should tough it out more imho. Let the clubs and pubs etc. keep going. So what if the elderly and sick die off.
This country is over populated anyway.
Those with some business nous and spare capital should be licking their lips with anticipation as businesses close.
France is really over reacting isn't it ? Complete lockdown will ruin most of their small businesses and some larger ones too.
Many of the dead and percentage wise there are not many, would have died anyway.
Britain should tough it out more imho. Let the clubs and pubs etc. keep going. So what if the elderly and sick die off.
This country is over populated anyway.
Those with some business nous and spare capital should be licking their lips with anticipation as businesses close.

The problem with this approach is that the health services would be overwhelmed (they will be anyway) for those that need routine appointments, suspect cancer looking at, broken legs etc etc, there is no spare capacity as every bed is occupied by someone on a ventilator waiting to die.

Then you have the compounded effect of those with minor illnesses catching the virus and suffering an even worse fate than if they hadn't caught it.

Balance that against the economic loss, who wins?

No easy answers!
France is really over reacting isn't it ? Complete lockdown will ruin most of their small businesses and some larger ones too.
Many of the dead and percentage wise there are not many, would have died anyway.
Britain should tough it out more imho. Let the clubs and pubs etc. keep going. So what if the elderly and sick die off.
This country is over populated anyway.
Those with some business nous and spare capital should be licking their lips with anticipation as businesses close.

Its a dangerous business Pat, drawing lines. Wherever you draw it today, its always possible you'll find you're on the wrong side of it tomorrow. Or another line the next day....
I always see French legal initiatives as efforts to preserve the state. And English legal initiatives as efforts to preserve the economy......

(sorry, starting to sound like Al Murray again......)
France is really over reacting isn't it ? Complete lockdown will ruin most of their small businesses and some larger ones too.
Many of the dead and percentage wise there are not many, would have died anyway.
Britain should tough it out more imho. Let the clubs and pubs etc. keep going. So what if the elderly and sick die off.
This country is over populated anyway.
Those with some business nous and spare capital should be licking their lips with anticipation as businesses close.

Helicopter money for everyone is probably the most likely answer, £500/£1000 per person per month?

Would keep most afloat, fed and watered.

Expensive though, where does the money come from?
Statistics shmashittysticks, just like the nonsensical climate change debate, 100% politicised, no truth, time will tell as usual.

I did not post this based on statistics

You either missed the point or did not watch all of the video.

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I'm thinking big G has gone into over drive.

People should be allowed to conduct their own risk assessment and carry on with their lives.

All this lock down biz is becoming OT to me.
I did not post this based on statistics

You either missed the point or did not watch all of the video.

OK a couple of things here:
  • I didn't aim my post at you personally, I can see why you have thought so, if only this was a pub we'd be laughing and piss taking over a beer, whilst watching the BBC instead of the football 😆🤣🍻
  • You posted the vid in response to tomo's "Oddly their stats say 95% of people tested with suspect symptoms have been negative. So what's going on there? " So I immediately made a link between tomo's stats and the stats talked about by Prof Covid and put 2+2 together to make a response based on stats.
  • Coronamadness, like the virus itself, is a fascinating spin-off of the situation large sections of the population must be beginning to find themselves in 😵
The vid certainly moves the brain juices, I look forward to the documentary.
I'm thinking big G has gone into over drive.

People should be allowed to conduct their own risk assessment and carry on with their lives.

All this lock down biz is becoming OT to me.

God? Holy fukcu, is it religious?
Fast or slow?

Slow is the UK response so far, we are go-live, it's like a moon landing but with millions of people instead of a handful of highly trained astronauts.

Boris's fine balance is taking the strain on him, must be quite difficult controlling the normally febrile atmosphere of parliament, I'm thinking that deliberate avoidance of the BBC is not just for the benefit of Brexit. Clever, so far!

Opposition parties know that shit is real and are playing along whilst maintaining a semblence of pretence for the various memberships.
Question is what is the strategy for lockdown, do they plan for giving notice or will it be a no notice job. Will it be City by City or for the country?

Panic buying must have peaked by now, that can't be sustained even in the short term, people grow weary of panic and return to standard+ shopping habits, once adrenalin returns to normal. What about Cortisol, Melatonin, Vitamin D?

How slow will the slowdown be? How long will it last? What controls will be applied?

Many questions.
I feel this virus was custom designed what ever the background noise is all about.

I also strongly suspect national spooks behind the events outlined by SC.
In the event it ever could be proven that Covid-19 is germ warfare that escaped from a Chinese lab what would the rest of the world’s reaction be? If I were to ponder my own guess I would say total economic sanctions on trade going in and out of China for a very long time. Probably not unlike what South Africa had when the world was trying to get it to stop apartheid.
Question is what is the strategy for lockdown, do they plan for giving notice or will it be a no notice job. Will it be City by City or for the country?

Panic buying must have peaked by now, that can't be sustained even in the short term, people grow weary of panic and return to standard+ shopping habits, once adrenalin returns to normal. What about Cortisol, Melatonin, Vitamin D?

How slow will the slowdown be? How long will it last? What controls will be applied?

Many questions.
Strategy?? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

How optimistic.

All we can say for sure at the moment is that this is a monumental global f***-up of epic proportions.

No doubt this will be accompanied by equally gigantic doses of shi*****ery by Governments worldwide as things progress.

The good news, however, is that for traders, once the crash hits some kind of bedrock, the only way is up !

Totally overhyped. What plummets will rise like the phoenix.

Never seen so much fuss about so little.

Buy oil
Buy cable
Buy US30
Buy whatever drops.
Put your pension on it and retire in 6 months when all this sh!t gets blown over and we all sit around wondering how the hell we all got duped.

👍 😎👍
The biggest faller in the FTSE 100 was cruise company Carnival.

It lost more than a third of its value - 34.22% - to fall to 620p. In mid January it stood at 3,114p.

Seems floating cemeteries have gone out of fashion.

Counter-productive in a strange way, as in themselves, cruise liners represent excellent high-capacity isolation facilities.
