Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Dost thou remember in t'olden days....

There used to be milkmen, who drove up and down the roads of this country delivering milk at the doorstep.
Couldn't this method be revived to deliver other essential comestibles without touching anyone?
Eg, weekly rations of soap, bog-roll, along with every other days with milk, bread, eggs, etc.
(stops bulk-buying)
The remaining shopping wouldn't be such a free-for-all.

I am taking bets how long before someone uploads a Benny Hill vid!
The effects of the bug seems to be mainly on indices, stocks etc. Forex is not much affected.
Soooo, just a late riser then? ...or are you seriously saying (Buon Dio!) that you don't subscribe to this worthy cause, these happy few, this band of buggers?? And what of your position on the origins of the current plague - do you favour the Bat/Snake thesis?... or are you leaning toward nuking the Canadians?
Hi cant',
These days, as a rule of thumb, my position on just about anything can be characterised as being 'anti-woke'. I'd rather be accused of being a racist or a Nazi than being woke: I hates it with a passion I do!

Regarding Sig's links that he kindly provided - I'd missed/overlooked them when he initially posted them - so I literally had no idea if there was any substance to the claims or not (about the virus being leaked from a bio-lab). My only reference point for such things is Hollywood which, to say the least, is far from ideal. Be that as it may, in movies, the person or government that releases the virus always has a vaccine at hand in order to protect themselves, their people and sell etc. So, if Corona did emanate from a lab in Wuhan, I'd have thought a vaccine would magically and miraculously - and in record time - have emerged from the ether by now to save us all. That it hasn't marginally favours the bat soup explanation.
Hi cant',
These days, as a rule of thumb, my position on just about anything can be characterised as being 'anti-woke'. I'd rather be accused of being a racist or a Nazi than being woke: I hates it with a passion I do!

Regarding Sig's links that he kindly provided - I'd missed/overlooked them when he initially posted them - so I literally had no idea if there was any substance to the claims or not (about the virus being leaked from a bio-lab). My only reference point for such things is Hollywood which, to say the least, is far from ideal. Be that as it may, in movies, the person or government that releases the virus always has a vaccine at hand in order to protect themselves, their people and sell etc. So, if Corona did emanate from a lab in Wuhan, I'd have thought a vaccine would magically and miraculously - and in record time - have emerged from the ether by now to save us all. That it hasn't marginally favours the bat soup explanation.

I agree, if there was a conspiracy, then a vaccine may already have been made available.

If it was a malicious release by some underpaid, overworked, lost job cos they've been caught spying type of lab employee/chinese spy type, then probably not so, same for accidental release.

Let's wait and see if the vaccine can be traced back to China when/if it emerges, the US is already testing something, no doubt it has already been modelled in one of their 3D vaccine supercomputers.

We may never know the truth and everyone will happily continue to believe the MSM view, which I expect to be the end result of all of this.

In either case China is culpable.
The effects of the bug seems to be mainly on indices, stocks etc. Forex is not much affected.

Forex is not a similar instrument to anything else in that it is paired with another instrument that is equally affected. That said the GBP has lost over 1000 pips against the USD in 8 days so what would you say caused it if not this bug ?
I'd rather be accused of being a racist or a Nazi than being woke: I hates it with a passion I do!
That's the spirit: fuck the woolly-headed liberal lefty hipster chatterati!
......., if Corona did emanate from a lab in Wuhan, I'd have thought a vaccine would magically and miraculously - and in record time - have emerged from the ether by now to save us all. That it hasn't marginally favours the bat soup explanation.
Bat soup... mmmmm!
As I understand it, the Chinese have got form for eating very nearly anything. That includes a vast array of miscellaneous creatures and body parts that are incredibly inedible in other cultures often for reasons of hygiene; so here we are....

...and though I'd like to show solidarity and join Sig in his global paranoiafest, I have one small problem in that I think it's total bollocks*

Yes, of course governments will fight their corner, generally for the benefit of their respective nations but to transform that into the idea that "the guvinmint" is systemically against the people is (for me) a leap into gaga land. I have come across a corollary to this line of thinking with people who have come to the conclusion that governments have their "own" money rather than scarfing revenue from the people in order to try - and often fail - to provide services to the populace - whilst skimming as much off the top as possible to feather the elected's nests and that of their mistresses...or misters... to add some pc balance.

*ps to Sig: I love you....Somebody could make a film, or write a book about that...
Bat soup... mmmmm!
As I understand it, the Chinese have got form for eating very nearly anything. That includes a vast array of miscellaneous creatures and body parts that are incredibly inedible in other cultures often for reasons of hygiene; so here we are....

...and though I'd like to show solidarity and join Sig in his global paranoiafest, I have one small problem in that I think it's total bollocks*

Yes, of course governments will fight their corner, generally for the benefit of their respective nations but to transform that into the idea that "the guvinmint" is systemically against the people is (for me) a leap into gaga land. I have come across a corollary to this line of thinking with people who have come to the conclusion that governments have their "own" money rather than scarfing revenue from the people in order to try - and often fail - to provide services to the populace - whilst skimming as much off the top as possible to feather the elected's nests and that of their mistresses...or misters... to add some pc balance.

*ps to Sig: I love you....Somebody could make a film, or write a book about that...

"PS I Love you Sig (even though you're a complete cnut (conspiracy nut)" doesn't quite roll of the tongue, and in the current climate, making that sort of film would involve looking out for the Winestains over one shoulder and the ghost of Epstain (he commited suicide honest guv) over the other.

There's just no convincing some people that the Chinese are a good people at heart, they have been eating exotic soup for millenia and then suddenly, just as suspicious virology lab activity and spy expulsions come to the fore, we get a devastating pandemic of 'flu' that causes full-on global meltdown with gubbermints panic buying stocks and shares and Chinese medicine to prop-up the global economy to save their global arses.

Which companies is it again that stand to make the most out of this latest globalist debacle? Chinese per chance? Now that's progress for yer.
There's just no convincing some people that the Chinese are a good people at heart, they have been eating exotic soup for millenia and then suddenly, just as suspicious virology lab activity and spy expulsions come to the fore, we get a devastating pandemic of 'flu' that causes full-on global meltdown with gubbermints panic buying stocks and shares and Chinese medicine to prop-up the global economy to save their global arses.

Which companies is it again that stand to make the most out of this latest globalist debacle? Chinese per chance? Now that's progress for yer.
Again, respectfully (an increasing strain on the Canta physiology) but do you honestly think that the outcome of the Pox is going to benefit the Chinese economy?

Of course the economies of the world will recover when this has died down a bit for the simple reason that the population of the world won't also have died down in a significant manner and so there will be enough of us left alive to start buying tat again... however, the anti-globalism noise level has become deafening and imho the new post-plague climate is going to foster the review of global supply chains in two directions. the first will be an increase in the incentives for on-shoring (some carrots but a number of sticks in there too) and the second will be about the diversification of the remaining off-shore element. Governments will be deeply involved in the former and corporations drive the latter.

There is considerable ammunition being stockpiled now that could eventually be used to undo (over decades) the nonsense that the rush to globalisation has spawned. The Chinese will not starve but in view of their need for speed (i.e big growth numbers) even a small long-term reduction is going affect how many Yuan they can afford to chuck at new aircraft carriers and instant noodle island bases in the Spratlies.

I hate to say it but Trump is paving the way for a more rational Republican government after his departure which will have acquired the tools, the will and the support of the Western world to rejig not just the American economic system but a sizeable hunk of the world' maybe the Chinese just like exotic soups after all and the virus is all part of Trump's cunning plan 😛
There used to be milkmen, who drove up and down the roads of this country delivering milk at the doorstep.

... in 100% re-usable packaging ... by means of non-fossil-fuel transport ... recycling collection combined with doorstep delivery.

Ahhhhh, so quaint, so old-fashioned, so obsolete, so not 'woke'.

UK Coronapanicdemic Briefing.

The second of Bungling Boris's Briefings is under way.

Stand by for more dither and delay.

... that's 'delay' so that the expected death toll in nicely spread out over time at a rate which remains within the capacity of existing services to cope with the increased demand.

Optimistic figure is circa 20,000 extra corpses as infection rates peak, if stalling measures suceed.

Canadian Virus lab breakthrough:


  • Uh-Oh.png
    3.9 MB · Views: 1,167
Again, respectfully (an increasing strain on the Canta physiology) but do you honestly think that the outcome of the Pox is going to benefit the Chinese economy?

Of course the economies of the world will recover when this has died down a bit for the simple reason that the population of the world won't also have died down in a significant manner and so there will be enough of us left alive to start buying tat again... however, the anti-globalism noise level has become deafening and imho the new post-plague climate is going to foster the review of global supply chains in two directions. the first will be an increase in the incentives for on-shoring (some carrots but a number of sticks in there too) and the second will be about the diversification of the remaining off-shore element. Governments will be deeply involved in the former and corporations drive the latter.

There is considerable ammunition being stockpiled now that could eventually be used to undo (over decades) the nonsense that the rush to globalisation has spawned. The Chinese will not starve but in view of their need for speed (i.e big growth numbers) even a small long-term reduction is going affect how many Yuan they can afford to chuck at new aircraft carriers and instant noodle island bases in the Spratlies.

I hate to say it but Trump is paving the way for a more rational Republican government after his departure which will have acquired the tools, the will and the support of the Western world to rejig not just the American economic system but a sizeable hunk of the world' maybe the Chinese just like exotic soups after all and the virus is all part of Trump's cunning plan 😛

The theory of exiting the EU then becoming true, pales in comparison.
UK Coronapanicdemic Briefing.

The second of Bungling Boris's Briefings is under way.

Stand by for more dither and delay.

... that's 'delay' so that the expected death toll in nicely spread out over time at a rate which remains within the capacity of existing services to cope with the increased demand.

Optimistic figure is circa 20,000 extra corpses as infection rates peak, if stalling measures suceed.


699 in France in intensive care! Now that's the way to beat an epidemic of apathy.
Japanese Govt confirms Olympics are going ahead as normal..... must be living in a parallel universe lol
Well strike me down with a virus and call me a c-nut, it is a theory after all. But the Express, meh, just about blows the credibility 😉

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Anyone else struggling to link all this stuff together, assuming there are others sensing the same thing.?