No, it’s from beginning of March 2020 and that’s hardly winter.
That's why the spike wasn't as high because we were at the end of the winter period.
Also, the first lock down was far more effective in protecting the low hanging fruit. Having said that, the consequence of the effective lock down is here for all to see. Resurgent virus will keep spiking up after every lock down cycle. This will go on and on for years.
Bad policy right from the start has ensured that we will never be done with it. More bad policy was to send hospital patients back to the care homes which devastated that community. If there's One place you don't want the virus, it's in the elderly and care home communities.
It was widely acknowledged very early on that the people at risk of dying from the Wuhan Lab virus had other issues, so the response should have been to target and isolate the vulnerable whilst allowing everyone else to just get on with it. This has been the way all pandemics have been dealt with, so why a different response to the Wuhan Lab virus?
We are not alone of course. Every major country has royally screwed up. A kind of collective monumental follow my leader fuk up.
What we should all be considering is.
If this was an animal virus from the wet markets, how come the vaccine solution only took 6 months to research, develop, test, certify, produce and roll out. It's unheard of. That should give us a clue.
The answer is simple.
The virus escaped from Wuhan Lab, which would just be One of many hundreds that they were researching. The fact that a vaccine has been developed in record time means that a great deal of the research, development and testing had to have already been done.
If anyone was interested in finding out the source of this virus, they would march straight into the Wuhan Lab and look at exactly what they had been working on over that past 10 yrs.
Course, that won't happen will it.
People who think this situation has come about naturally need to grow up.