Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

'We have a monarchy (to whom the services swear allegiance) and the checks and balances in our political system which prevents absolute power resting in one person (think the relationship twixt PM and Chancellor and parliamentary will). Coupled with a free press (however much you may deride it) and Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition charged with holding the government to account we have the checks and balances which have held us in good stead and will continue to do so. It is total scaremongering to suggest that the current emergency will change that.'

Who said this?

Anyone know?

Clue: W.B p2
"twixt" is a word Barjon would use.

Although I may be miles off !
Project Screen by Circle had to perform the RT-PCR swab test at 20 clubs all over the UK. Both players and staff would need to be tested over the course of several months in order to allow training to commence and matches to be held behind closed doors.

"It’s a huge honour to have been involved in a project that is so visible on the world stage. My team and I feel enormous pride in having successfully delivered a project so close to the Nation’s hearts."

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'You get useful idiots in any significant numbers, you'll end up with millions dying.'

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Do you think people with social anxiety or similar, find going out easier, because they can wear a mask, during lockdown?

Even giving a simple smile as acknowledgement to someone is lost, so do you find your yourself exaggerating a facial expression, just to express yourself? With a nod or a wave?
The link below is to a fantastic interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon who explains the whole pandamic from start to finish, what mistakes have been made and what needs to happen going forward. It was posted on YouTube this morning and immediately removed by Google because in their words it breached their "Covid 19 medical misinformation policy". As c_v might say: if that doesn't scare you - it effin' well should! How they can just cancel a scientist of Yeadon's calibre and experience is seriously disturbing. Anyway, for now it's available on Twitter - please share and distribute far and wide.

The link below is to a fantastic interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon who explains the whole pandamic from start to finish, what mistakes have been made and what needs to happen going forward. It was posted on YouTube this morning and immediately removed by Google because in their words it breached their "Covid 19 medical misinformation policy". As c_v might say: if that doesn't scare you - it effin' well should! How they can just cancel a scientist of Yeadon's calibre and experience is seriously disturbing. Anyway, for now it's available on Twitter - please share and distribute far and wide.

There was no pandemic and there were no mistakes.

Lockstep is a plan, not a mistake.

Could you spell out exactly what you mean by conspiracy theories that can never be part of the explanation for what s happening?

You referred to them recently

Which theories exactly?

And why
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The link below is to a fantastic interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon who explains the whole pandamic from start to finish, what mistakes have been made and what needs to happen going forward. It was posted on YouTube this morning and immediately removed by Google because in their words it breached their "Covid 19 medical misinformation policy". As c_v might say: if that doesn't scare you - it effin' well should! How they can just cancel a scientist of Yeadon's calibre and experience is seriously disturbing. Anyway, for now it's available on Twitter - please share and distribute far and wide.

Well, I did catch it and now it's been taken down.

So over to bitchute

Could you spell out exactly what you mean by conspiracy theories that can never be part of the explanation for what s happening?
Hi David,
Apologies, but I don't understand the question! Perhaps if you find my post that your question relates to - that might help?
The link below is to a fantastic interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon who explains the whole pandamic from start to finish, what mistakes have been made and what needs to happen going forward. It was posted on YouTube this morning and immediately removed by Google because in their words it breached their "Covid 19 medical misinformation policy". As c_v might say: if that doesn't scare you - it effin' well should! How they can just cancel a scientist of Yeadon's calibre and experience is seriously disturbing. Anyway, for now it's available on Twitter - please share and distribute far and wide.

Whilst I remain reasonably convinced by the mainstream views about COVID I think it is a huge, huge mistake to censor views that do not square with the mainstream, particularly as no-one can be absolutely certain when it comes to this new kid on the block.

Quite aside from that, such censorship is an absolute affront to one of the cornerstones of our democracy which is the right of free speech. Similarly it is free argument that eventually sorts things, we’d still believe the Earth was the centre of the universe otherwise.

Additionally - and sorry to rabbit on - the whole exercise is likely to be counter productive since people will come to believe there is something to hide if they are denied it. Misinformation is the curse of the internet age, but it is better rebutted than censored.
Whilst I remain reasonably convinced by the mainstream views about COVID I think it is a huge, huge mistake to censor views that do not square with the mainstream, particularly as no-one can be absolutely certain when it comes to this new kid on the block. . .
Excellent post Jon.
Feel free to rebutt the new kid on the block!

The central plank to Yeadon's hypothesis is that the mainstream approach to the virus is almost entirely predicated around the PCR test. Given its significance, I think it is not just reasonable - but absolutely vital - that everyone is completely convinced of its effacacy. That the government acknowledge that it has a false positive rate, and everyone can see that it's not administered in laboratory conditions by expererienced professionals (I have personal experience of this), and it's sensitivity/magnification levels enable it to detect 'dead' RNA that are not harmful or infectious, I think it's of paramount importance that the government, PHE and the NHS etc. establish the limitations of the test so that these can then be factored into the decision making process. As it is, all three seem completely disinterested in doing this, even after the new flow test recently rolled out by the army in Liverpool produced massively different results to the PCR test. Clearly, at least one of the two tests is very, very wrong! Why aren't mainstream media questioning the anomoly and demanding that government provide answers to what are really very basic questions? As you rightly say, it's because of this bizarre approach by the media and the powers that be, combined with the censorship of people like Yeadon, that I and I suspect many other moderate, sensible(ish!) people are starting to entertain alternative explainations as to what's really going on offered by members like David (Knight).
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Hi David,
Apologies, but I don't understand the question! Perhaps if you find my post that your question relates to - that might help?
This one:

Hi Jon,
I'm now at the stage where I simply don't believe a word that the government says anymore and, in my quest to understand why they remain so enthralled by Imperial College boffins and their worse than useless computer models, I'm really struggling to resist the explanations offered by the conspiracy theorists. I want to ignore them (the conspiracy theories) and put the current state of affairs down to 'mere' ministerial incompetance, coupled with big egos that can't admit they were/are wrong and tainted (in BoJo's case) by personal experience that he's unable to set aside - or at least view in a wider context. But, even accounting for all that little lot, I'm left thinking there's no sane reason for the existing restrictions - let alone what's proposed from Thursday onwards. Not one single, solitary one. Perhaps you can expain it to me because, in all seriousness, I am at a complete loss trying to make any sense from this utter madness?!

Specifically which conspiracy theories?

And why?
Jon, do you really believe that human beings have been honest up until the internet was created?
No, but the Internet has provided false “authority“ to fake news and misinformation sites that appear, on the face of it, to be the same as reputable ones. Setting up a web-site is a damn sight easier than producing a newspaper, after all.
No, but the Internet has provided false “authority“ to fake news and misinformation sites that appear, on the face of it, to be the same as reputable ones. Setting up a web-site is a damn sight easier than producing a newspaper, after all.

Interesting. It's no surprise that I see things very differently to you Jon. In the past, only "Authority" had the means to disseminate information and as a result, they fully controlled the rhetoric. The internet has created a level playing field, giving a 'voice' to millions who now rightly question the rhetoric of "Authority"...

What is your definition of reputable?
No, but the Internet has provided false “authority“ to fake news and misinformation sites that appear, on the face of it, to be the same as reputable ones. Setting up a web-site is a damn sight easier than producing a newspaper, after all.
To be fair, in the current situation, there's plenty of evidence from official sources such as UKgov/WHO/CDC/WEF/ONS/Highly respected ignored expert medical opinion/inventor of PCR test invalidating it's current use/Patents/video footage of empty hospitals,test centres and zero footage of anything resembling official narrative/gov advisers specifically stating that it was flu symptoms unlikely to affect anyone not old or with immune system problems... etc etc without ever needing to read a single opinion from alt media souces. Just remove them from the equation- what picture does it leave?

Authority demonstrably (this time writ large) are the'false authority'. 'Setting up a web site is a damn site easier' is not much of an argument compared to seeing entire youtube channels deleted and videos deleted in minutes/denial of website/paypal/services and threats from a senior UK terrorist officer against 'anti vaxxers'. (note the 'subtle' attempt to link 'terrorist' with those who question authority (again)

And btw... they have never even cured the common cold, even if there was a real pandemic, which there isn't.
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I always considered the asymptomatic suggestion, that one could have the virus and none of the symptoms was a load of b0ll0x.

WHO later admitted this was not a FACT just something that was a possibility. Much like life on Mars.

Seems to me that what has possibly occurred is more the treatment of false positive readings as being accurate and people told to isolate because they could be asymptomatic and that's why they don't have any symptoms.

Some minds are already convinced and conjuring up all kinds of BS to bat away false positives. Is this intentional or deliberate is a key question that MUST be answered. Science is to be fact led. Not some wishy washy hunches on what could be!
Specifically which conspiracy theories?

And why?
Hi David,
Thank you, I think I get you now.

I guess the main conspiracy theories which, if proved to be true, would send shudders down my spine, cause me to lose (even more) sleep at night and almost certainly contribute to an earlier departure (than might otherwise be expected) from this mortal coil are:
1. The idea that the whole pandemic is a hoax; there is no virus beyond the usual seasonal flu mutation and that the entire thing has been meticulously orchestrated to achieve some goal or other, presumably greater control, power and money.
2. That Bill Gates is the key player in the above and embedded in every vaccine injected into every person on the planet is a micro chip that will enable him/Micrsoft to do who knows what - and there'll be nowt anyone can do about it.
3. Again relating to point #1, that the mischievous cabal of politicians, corporations and ubber wealthy individuals are mostly pedophiles who regularly engage in satanic rituals and the like, (QAnon).

All the above get mixed and matched and, as with all conspiracy theories, at their heart lies a grain (or two) of truth. I believe there is a new virus, but it isn't anything like as deadly as we're being lead to believe and, for a mix of reasons, governments around the world have dug themselves into ever deeper holes that they now can't get out of. I accept completely that the 'Great Reset' is a reality and that the people behind it are the aforementioned priveledged few. I also acknowledge that the virus favours the World Economic Forum and their ability to promote said Reset, but I put that down to coincidence and luck of sorts - rather than any machiavellian masterplan. The pedophile theory presumably relates to Jeffrey Epstein trafficking young girls (and boys?) and selling their 'services' to high net worth individuals, e.g. Prince Andrew (who must be loving Covid and hoping it goes on indefinitely). But the idea that this particular form of sexual deviancy is more widespread among the rich and powerful than it is in general society strikes me as being highly improbable. As for the Bill Gates microchip idea, other than Holywood, I'm not sure of its origins.

Anyway, I hope that answerrs your question?
Hi David,
Thank you, I think I get you now.

I guess the main conspiracy theories which, if proved to be true, would send shudders down my spine, cause me to lose (even more) sleep at night and almost certainly contribute to an earlier departure (than might otherwise be expected) from this mortal coil are:
1. The idea that the whole pandemic is a hoax; there is no virus beyond the usual seasonal flu mutation and that the entire thing has been meticulously orchestrated to achieve some goal or other, presumably greater control, power and money.
2. That Bill Gates is the key player in the above and embedded in every vaccine injected into every person on the planet is a micro chip that will enable him/Micrsoft to do who knows what - and there'll be nowt anyone can do about it.
3. Again relating to point #1, that the mischievous cabal of politicians, corporations and ubber wealthy individuals are mostly pedophiles who regularly engage in satanic rituals and the like, (QAnon).

All the above get mixed and matched and, as with all conspiracy theories, at their heart lies a grain (or two) of truth. I believe there is a new virus, but it isn't anything like as deadly as we're being lead to believe and, for a mix of reasons, governments around the world have dug themselves into ever deeper holes that they now can't get out of. I accept completely that the 'Great Reset' is a reality and that the people behind it are the aforementioned priveledged few. I also acknowledge that the virus favours the World Economic Forum and their ability to promote said Reset, but I put that down to coincidence and luck of sorts - rather than any machiavellian masterplan. The pedophile theory presumably relates to Jeffrey Epstein trafficking young girls (and boys?) and selling their 'services' to high net worth individuals, e.g. Prince Andrew (who must be loving Covid and hoping it goes on indefinitely). But the idea that this particular form of sexual deviancy is more widespread among the rich and powerful than it is in general society strikes me as being highly improbable. As for the Bill Gates microchip idea, other than Holywood, I'm not sure of its origins.

Anyway, I hope that answerrs your question?
Really appreciate your time Tim. Yes, you covered it well and I will settle for this:

I accept completely that the 'Great Reset' is a reality and that the people behind it are the aforementioned priveledged few.

Because, funny how things work out, I was going to try and get some debate going on this reset. and how maybe we are being too distracted by the virus/response deliberately in order to get the reset done as a fait accomplis.

Maybe we should worry less that we aren't all going to agree on the detail of this agenda and focus on the reset.