Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

The pharma company that gets the Govt. contract to produce the antidote vaccine stands to make lots of money.
Aaaah capitalism gone ape.
Farage will be back making political capital out of the whole sorry mess, it seems.
A keen supporter of Trump.
. . . And if that doesn't work, perhaps we should move on to leeches!

Hi Normal person! 👍🙂

To add to your brilliant reply earlier: It's very disturbing reading tweets in responses to Lockdown part 2 on twitter. The normal people make reasonable arguments against another lockdown. They rationally express concerns about the unintended consequences. The lockdowners on the other hand respond like a deranged, frightened medieval mob who demand that anyone who doesn't believe in lockdown must be burned at the stake!

Let me remind you of something I posted over 1 month ago. This second lockdown confirms it and strengthens my conviction against lockdowns:

The Evidence Keeps Piling up: Lockdowns Don’t Work | Ryan McMaken

Why do we need ANOTHER lockdown if they worked?

I was in London yesterday and took two different taxis. Both drivers were normal, i.e. They were against lockdown, for all the reasons normal people have given.

Perhaps we should try bloodletting next?
Yes, I’ve always shared the view that lockdowns delay rather than eradicate. The Swedish model seems one more geared towards eradication than delay, albeit somewhat dangerous (as they have found in their own care homes) and very reliant on self-policing . To judge from pictures of the various get-together and raves etc
self-policing is a difficult one here .

Mind you I should hate to be the one making the decision on what to do. However frail the forecast of experts might appear I should not like to ignore it and go down in history as a “mass murderer” if they turned out to be right.

One thing’s for sure, the cost of all this is going to be a heavy burden for future generations to carry for many years to come.
Some are of the opinion that in terms of viruses " You ain't seen nothing yet ".
Might have to rein in labs with regular inspections etc.
Yes, I’ve always shared the view that lockdowns delay rather than eradicate. The Swedish model seems one more geared towards eradication than delay, albeit somewhat dangerous (as they have found in their own care homes) and very reliant on self-policing . To judge from pictures of the various get-together and raves etc
self-policing is a difficult one here .

Mind you I should hate to be the one making the decision on what to do. However frail the forecast of experts might appear I should not like to ignore it and go down in history as a “mass murderer” if they turned out to be right.

One thing’s for sure, the cost of all this is going to be a heavy burden for future generations to carry for many years to come.

On a side note many governments are trying to get inflation up to 2%.

Printing money is deliberate policy imo.

First it was currency wars to give ones economy a competitive advantage in export markets.

Now it's just blatant printing of money to get inflation going ---> to diminish the national debt ---> as if by magic.

There is something very stinky about all these furloughs and paying people to sit at home.

You gotta ask governments never really cared much about life. Especially old folk. Remember the old Victorians sending four year olds down narrow coal mines to collect coal.

Now big G is suddenly all very interested in saving 50,000 old people lives whilst sacrificing many more younger able people to all sorts of medical health issues - cancer and surgical operations being main one.

You've got to ask WTF has got into all these Tories and Labour politicians??? Numpties the lot of'm.

It's all so horribly wrong.
I read somewhere recently that BigBrother face-recognition CCTV surveillance is being hampered now by people who wear masks.
People who resent intrusions into our privacy by cameras, are probably also the people who say that its their free right to not wear them, and thus making them easier to track.

Is that an irony?
Not sure.
On a side note many governments are trying to get inflation up to 2%.

Printing money is deliberate policy imo.

First it was currency wars to give ones economy a competitive advantage in export markets.

Now it's just blatant printing of money to get inflation going ---> to diminish the national debt ---> as if by magic.

There is something very stinky about all these furloughs and paying people to sit at home.

You gotta ask governments never really cared much about life. Especially old folk. Remember the old Victorians sending four year olds down narrow coal mines to collect coal.

Now big G is suddenly all very interested in saving 50,000 old people lives whilst sacrificing many more younger able people to all sorts of medical health issues - cancer and surgical operations being main one.

You've got to ask WTF has got into all these Tories and Labour politicians??? Numpties the lot of'm.

It's all so horribly wrong.

Yes, correct.

Around 10 years ago I was saying in this forum that the response by Governments and Central Banks to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis will lead to an even bigger crisis in the future and


I am now saying that the response by Governments and Central Banks to this Pandemic Crisis will lead to an even bigger crisis in future.
Hi David,
Hmmn, bar coding children and utilising the army are not great optics! However, just being devil's advocate here, could it be argued that bar coding people is just an updated digital version of a National Insurance number?
I've met some folks who had very nice barcodes on their arms .....
... they told me they got them while 'working to be free'

reading between the lines .....

''normally, we'd seek parental consent, but naahhh, we're just going to go ahead anyway, consider yourselves lucky we're even bothering to tell you''
Hi David,
Hmmn, bar coding children and utilising the army are not great optics! However, just being devil's advocate here, could it be argued that bar coding people is just an updated digital version of a National Insurance number?
You can argue anything you like Tim. You could argue that satan is the good guy for encouraging man to defy
God's unreasonable instructions in the Garden of Eden.

On the 'optics' front, this is just the start. It's a 'pilot' scheme.

Mandatory vaccination will just be an updated version of healthcare then?
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Thoughts anyone on the announcemrnt from Pfizer about their vaccine that - they claim - is 90% successful? Is that it, is this poop show now officially over so we can all get back to normal? Or, am I getting ahead of myself, jumping the gun and, sadly, there's still many more months of this nonsense to come?
Thoughts anyone on the announcemrnt from Pfizer about their vaccine that - they claim - is 90% successful? Is that it, is this poop show now officially over so we can all get back to normal? Or, am I getting ahead of myself, jumping the gun and, sadly, there's still many more months of this nonsense to come?
You're probably jumping the gun, as did the markets 😉

But you know that.

Many months of nauseating Corona-chaos still to go yet, especially in the UK with the lock-down loonies in full spate.

Then there's the whole Mass-vacillation vaccination thing to get through.

That's IF the virus doesn't shuffle a gene or two in the meanwhile, making the jab next to useless.

Expect we'll see a change of President or two before there's much improvement.

Thoughts anyone on the announcemrnt from Pfizer about their vaccine that - they claim - is 90% successful? Is that it, is this poop show now officially over so we can all get back to normal? Or, am I getting ahead of myself, jumping the gun and, sadly, there's still many more months of this nonsense to come?

Aren't you forgetting about how there's no going back to the old normal?

Maybe you forgot what's going to be in the vaccine

Maybe you forgot what will happen to the people who refuse the vaccine

Maybe you forgot the real reasons for the poop show

Maybe you didn't read the script- 'poop show planned to run for years' , says Rockerfeller

Across the world, politicians are marching in lockstep toward the goal

They even gave it a name in the script

Can you guess what it is?

It's called 'Lockstep'

And the proof is the facts on the ground have not stopped them in their tracks. Quite the reverse.

They're even more determined to fight a pandemic that demonstrably does not exist.

They admitted it doesn't exist on page 39.

Julia can interview as many experts as she likes, so long as they only talk about the way the pandemic that does not exist has been mismanaged.

And now we learn there's a barcode awaiting every slave

And a micro chip patent that measures human work rate and links it to a digital currency.

Don't worry if you test positive for a virus that does not exist using a test that cannot identify the virus

Because if you test positive you will be 'secured'

That sounds fantastic!!

I was getting bored of 'lockdown'..'.secured' makes it sound really fluffy bunny no?

It almost sounds like 'security', but it comes with a forced incarceration aspect that only conspiracy theorists worry about.

And the rest of your family can be 'secured' when they test posi too.

(And they will, because Raab says the test is 93% false positive and Hashcock says that means they're super effective. And you know who the bookies favourite is in that one).

Then, the hunt for all your contacts can get started. And then their contacts. And then their contacts, and then their....

The contact tracers will relish the task, just like the barcoding headmaster in the Liverpool letter does.

They can all secure a nice salary by securing you.

Long term career paths await those with low IQ and no morals. Massive pool of talent in this country for that.

Common pupose trained, all with a common purpose.

Grimly determined to control the virus and get UK Plc moving again

Jobsworths are nothing compared to useful idiots.

You get useful idiots in any significant numbers, you'll end up with millions dying.

The history books show the step by step process. The history books are the blueprint. They are the proof.

That's why they burn the books. It helps make the label 'conspiracy theorist' stick

Not that it needs much glue. Why, some people are so busy calling people one they don't even know they're following a blueprint.

What diff does it make if Pfizer inject you, or some other bunch of sociopathic corporate paycheck whores?

The real vax is probably sitting in a warehouse somewhere. The search, the trials, all a pretense.

The clue is long term planning. Lockstep was written in 2010. So it's a fair guess.

It's academic for me. I'm a confirmed crazy. Boris said so

Does Bill sponsor Pfizer? Bill wants a return on his investment. And what Bill wants, his masters get.

If it looks like fascism, acts like fascism it's probably cognitive dissonance if you don't believe your own eyes.

Remember the KGB agent who said (roughly) The brilliant thing about capitalism compared to communism is that in the West, the people think they are free whereas under Communism they know they are not?

If it was 2minutes2midnight back in March, how much time is left now?
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'We have a monarchy (to whom the services swear allegiance) and the checks and balances in our political system which prevents absolute power resting in one person (think the relationship twixt PM and Chancellor and parliamentary will). Coupled with a free press (however much you may deride it) and Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition charged with holding the government to account we have the checks and balances which have held us in good stead and will continue to do so. It is total scaremongering to suggest that the current emergency will change that.'

Who said this?

Anyone know?

Clue: W.B p2