Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

I'd say it has much more to do with the mass media than anything else. Besides, one survey revealed that people think the death rate from covid-19 is 30 times higher than it actually do you explain that other than the terror campaign of the mass media?
Agree completely.

As Trendie sez, we have been used to a "normal" mortality rate and almost any sudden increase would be logically viewed with alarm by alarmists and the easily alarmed. The panic of March and April has settled down and apart from being stoked by MSM and sundry prophets of doom, most adults are sort of getting used to the idea that there are certain types of behaviour that convert one into a statistic of passing interest and act accordingly. Of course, in a fair tranche of the population, that doesn't eliminate a deep and abiding need to gossip and spread rumours about anything and everything, be it some talentless celebrity's amusing sexual peccadilloes, gargling with bleach to ward off the virus and evil spirits or any other The-Sky-Is-Falling rubbish that takes your fancy.

The current mortality rate in the UK is of complete insignificance when viewed as a percentage of the population and imo the hysteria is at least partly driven by access to immediate and detailed information; singling out MSM as a guiltier party is fairly pointless - one could equally point the finger at any modern method of communication. In the pre-electronic age it might be days, if not weeks, before news of some disaster or death became common knowledge but today we are instantly aware when Timsk lets go a fart.

As we get used to a new, infinitesimally increased number of deaths then the news will get relegated to Man Bites Dog status. Provided that any subsequent increase is gradual then that will stay the same - it's not as if we're anywhere near decreasing the surplus population to any desirable extent. I'd still prefer not become a statistic just yet ... but hey, that's just me.

Like we have argued right from the start, ridiculous Govt policies the world over based on incomplete and bad science.

This ought to be a wake up call to the masses, that they need to stop wasting their time consuming MSM propaganda and dig a bit deeper.
Always good to have a POSITIVE outlook on life.

Rock on Trumpy 👍 😀👍

Like we have argued right from the start, ridiculous Govt policies the world over based on incomplete and bad science.

This ought to be a wake up call to the masses, that they need to stop wasting their time consuming MSM propaganda and dig a bit deeper.

Deeper.. I could hardly disagree CV😉
Agree completely.

As Trendie sez, we have been used to a "normal" mortality rate and almost any sudden increase would be logically viewed with alarm by alarmists and the easily alarmed. The panic of March and April has settled down and apart from being stoked by MSM and sundry prophets of doom, most adults are sort of getting used to the idea that there are certain types of behaviour that convert one into a statistic of passing interest and act accordingly. Of course, in a fair tranche of the population, that doesn't eliminate a deep and abiding need to gossip and spread rumours about anything and everything, be it some talentless celebrity's amusing sexual peccadilloes, gargling with bleach to ward off the virus and evil spirits or any other The-Sky-Is-Falling rubbish that takes your fancy.

The current mortality rate in the UK is of complete insignificance when viewed as a percentage of the population and imo the hysteria is at least partly driven by access to immediate and detailed information; singling out MSM as a guiltier party is fairly pointless - one could equally point the finger at any modern method of communication. In the pre-electronic age it might be days, if not weeks, before news of some disaster or death became common knowledge but today we are instantly aware when Timsk lets go a fart.

As we get used to a new, infinitesimally increased number of deaths then the news will get relegated to Man Bites Dog status. Provided that any subsequent increase is gradual then that will stay the same - it's not as if we're anywhere near decreasing the surplus population to any desirable extent. I'd still prefer not become a statistic just yet ... but hey, that's just me.

I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments. I’d be quite happy to look after myself and let everyone else go about their business as they please. The only problem with that is that it might not be just me that suffers if I fck up. Thus I accept the government strictures however ott they appear to me. Of course, the restrictions could be far less if we had reliable, quick and efficient test procedures as well as track and trace systems. Those who have coped best seem to have had such things from the get go which makes it all the more remarkable that we are still floundering about in mediocrity some eight months in - oh, I forgot it’s World Class innit.
Eminent epidemiologists Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, met in Massachusetts to sign the 'Great Barrington Declaration' (link below), calling for a different global response to the pandemic. Unlike the mad policies being pursued by the U.K. government and others around the world, the approach they advocate makes so much more sense as it's holistic in nature, protecting those that need it while allowing those that don't to get on with their lives and facilitating herd immunity, i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections becomes stable. Please share the declaration, along with Freddie Sayer's excellent interview with the three experts. Hopefully, other healthcare professionals, scientists and academics will join these dissenting voices in calling for a major shift in government policy.
The Great Barrington Declaration

I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments. I’d be quite happy to look after myself and let everyone else go about their business as they please. The only problem with that is that it might not be just me that suffers if I fck up. Thus I accept the government strictures however ott they appear to me.

Not sure I follow your logic Jon. What about driving a car? Do you consider current road rules to be over the top?


Nick Abbot on LBC just pointed out the average life expectancy in UK is about 81.

All this fiasco for absolute tosh about Covid 19.

Really makes a mockery of all the politicians guidance on leading the country.
Really makes a mockery of all the politicians guidance on leading the country.
Hi At,
Whilst I agree with your sentiment 100%, I take the Mail Online article with a pinch of salt as they don't provide any links to their sources, so it's difficult to validate any claims made. This means that when someone responds with "it's the Mail Online, don't believe a word they say", there's no credible 'push back' - to use the current jargon. Really annoying!
Hi At,
Whilst I agree with your sentiment 100%, I take the Mail Online article with a pinch of salt as they don't provide any links to their sources, so it's difficult to validate any claims made. This means that when someone responds with "it's the Mail Online, don't believe a word they say", there's no credible 'push back' - to use the current jargon. Really annoying!

Hi Tim,

Quite right and delighted to see fact checking what the daily trash says is a positive step. 🙂

I went to ONS website and downloaded this XLS file which shows a granular breakdown by age male/female and underlying health conditions.

Fore those who would like to see a cursory look here are some pics. Well worth looking the real data XLS shee!eet instead of listening to Mr Politicians putting their twists on the interpretations.

Final note data is for 2020 - March - June so the first half when all the lockdowns/furloughs implemented.




Makes you wonder why we are killing off Cancer sufferers in preference of older peeps.

The dark side of me thinks Tories protecting their aged voter base.
Our political leadership seem to have left science way behind - perhaps buried it in a shallow grave. . .

My guess is that the person (in Melbourne) was once a deranged lockdowner who trusted the "benevolent" overlords.

From the Tom Woods newsletter.
An acquaintance of mine knows someone in Melbourne, Australia, where the lockdown has been especially severe.

I read this person's testimony and decided to share it with you as today's installment.

We're told that these crazy measures are designed to "save lives" -- but what is human life to these people?

Read on (I have left the punctuation and usage unchanged):

Three months since i saw another human face besides [my partner's]

7 months since [my partner] and I had a little break together in the form of going and having a coffee down the street

Over a year since i last sat out in nature

Sitting staring at the wall for 2 hours, again.. unable to move


Horrible negative emotions virtually all day

Awake entire nights, distress

I cant think of anything to look forward to because i dont know when we will be allowed to do anything

Just go for a drive, go to the forest

Just go somewhere together, far from all of this

We are not allowed

The police could enter our homes at any point and arrest us if we say the 'wrong' thing online

This doesnt feel human

I don't smile

I dont laugh

I worked out the other day and felt nothing, no pain

Nothing would register as pain

I couldn't feel anything

I feel far away from myself

Sometimes i forget how long the day has been going for

Does it matter?

You're not allowed to leave? Even if family members are terminally ill? They could die before we are let out of Melbourne, got told it isnt a good enough reason to be let out of the state

Literally not allowed to move house

I think WA is letting Victorians in now but we cant get to the airport to fly out of here because the airport is more than 5ks from our house

You arent allowed more than 5ks from your house

You arent allowed to buy a takeaway coffee and sit under a tree or on the ground anywhere that isnt your house


This isnt human

This isnt human

This isnt human

This isnt human

There is no empathy here

No price is too high

Suicide is not too great a price to pay

Self harm is not too great a price to pay

Structural brain changes in large portions of the population is not too high a price to pay

Do you know what prolonged social isolation does to the brain?

We are made to feel it does not matter

Because all we are, are numbers

We are not people we are the masses
without a say

Without a time period to look forward to when we can hug again

I am sharing my experience because you should know the truth


A faceless number in Melbourne
"At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden chose to go for herd immunity by refusing to impose a hard lockdown, meaning bars, restaurants, gyms, workplaces and schools remained open and vulnerable people were told to shield while mandatory mask rules were avoided.
Despite the mainstream media predicting that this would lead to massive fatalities, Sweden has recorded under 6,000 coronavirus deaths and now has the lowest death rate in Europe."

Complete with video of 'normal' life in Sweden.


A favour from subscribers to this thread, pretty please . . .
Is anyone able to provide links to a credible source (e.g. ONS, NHS or PHE etc.) that shows:
1. The drop off in numbers of hospital appointments for cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment since the onset of Covid and associated restrictions.
2. The decline in treatments for diseases like cancer, pneumonia and heart disease etc. since the onset of Covid, and the likely impact this has on the annual death toll? I.e. how many excess deaths are there due to the current policies than would otherwise be expected to die in a 'normal' (i.e. non Covid) year.
3. The decline in death toll in hospitals from diseases such as cancer, pneumonia and heart disease etc. this year since the onset of Covid and subsequent restrictions.
Thanks in advance for your help. 🙂
Your above questions are appropriate and worth exploring.
I suspect though, the nature of illness, and the variability of deaths due to initial condition, would make this a complex calculation.
A cancellation of treatment may take any amount of time for death to result, given the initial state of the patient, homecare, family, etc.
It may take years to correlate treatment delays and deaths due to them.

However, there is such a thing as iatrogenic deaths - deaths due to medical errors!
I wonder how many people "won't" die because they won't be prescribed the wrong medication, and won't die as a result of botched surgeries.
Weird world!
A favour from subscribers to this thread, pretty please . . .
Is anyone able to provide links to a credible source (e.g. ONS, NHS or PHE etc.) that shows:
1. The drop off in numbers of hospital appointments for cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment since the onset of Covid and associated restrictions.
2. The decline in treatments for diseases like cancer, pneumonia and heart disease etc. since the onset of Covid, and the likely impact this has on the annual death toll? I.e. how many excess deaths are there due to the current policies than would otherwise be expected to die in a 'normal' (i.e. non Covid) year.
3. The decline in death toll in hospitals from diseases such as cancer, pneumonia and heart disease etc. this year since the onset of Covid and subsequent restrictions.
Thanks in advance for your help. 🙂
I will post something later tim
Thanks trendie and David.
A little background to the questions I've posed. . .
I'm a member of another forum (nothing to do with trading) and, like here, there's a coronavirus thread in their equivalent of our Foyer. As a lockdown sceptic, I've angered other members by suggesting that people have already died - and many more will die in the months ahead - due to serious illness such as cancer not being diagnosed and treated as promptly as it otherwise would. To my surprise, this has proved to be very controversial (I thought it's widely accepted to be the case) and my critics are demanding that I post evidence to support my claim. Needless to say, there aren't pretty bar charts from the likes of the ONS, NHS etc. showing these kinds of stats - so I'm struggling to find something that's likely to be acceptable as 'proof'.