Well they are no where near tumbling just yet. Billionaires have to stack their wedges somewhere I guess.Each to their own obviously but I can't help thinking that the huge prices for modern art is just a fad bubble.
One day it will burst and their prices will tumble.
this is not art, its an ass
What do you think about the Dutch school of painting? Honestly when thinking about it subjectively it wouldn't be my first choice, but when visiting a gallery I can spend a lot of time looking at Dutch landscapes, there is just something about them.Art is like comedy - when desperate for something original try " toilet " art.
The Golden Age of art to my preferences is impressionist and a little later.
I grew up in an arty family. My mum exhibited her work at the best galleries of GB, France and Italy and studied at The Slade.
That got sold for close on 10Million, didnt it?
Anyway, to be accurate, BoJo would need to be represented as a bonobo?
And Corbyn as a ringtail lemur.
Anyway, what does the art you are drawn to say about you? ( in terms of style and subject)
One of my all time favourites is Van Gogh.
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At'- how come you're not this diplomatic on the the Brexit thread?Those swirls tell me Van Gogh and you; were/are moody, dark and passionate characters. 👍
At'- how come you're not this diplomatic on the the Brexit thread?
trendie - what At' is trying to say is you're completely loco!
I'll let you know if I ever cut my ear off. 🙂At'- how come you're not this diplomatic on the the Brexit thread?
trendie - what At' is trying to say is you're completely loco!
Wow.....what a story.
This film is art.
BBC Two - The $50 Million Art Swindle
Vanessa Engle tracks down the charlatan art dealer who swindled over $50 million.www.bbc.co.uk
Pat,. . . Imagine how great it would be to be complimented by others for your efforts.
Art is a great relaxer. After finding which style interests you most why not try and emulate it. OK it may look a bit crude at first but the naivety often has its own charms. Below is a simple step by step approach. Imagine how great it would be to be complimented by others for your efforts.
Are you setting yourself up as the great art critic Tim ?Pat,
This is paint by numbers. Get an adult colouring book instead - it has more integrity to it as the 'artist' isn't trying to fool anybody that they've got any skill or talent. The only compliments you're going to get for producing paintings like this are from people who have little or no understanding of art and no taste.
We all know that hitting the buy and sell button doesn't make one a trader; there are no short cuts. The same is true in art; it takes a lot of time and effort to achieve anything that's even half way competent. If you want to paint figuratively you first have to learn to draw. To learn to draw you have to learn how to observe. And if you want to do that you'll need to find a really good teacher - which is as hard as finding a really good trader willing to teach you how to trade. A starting point might be your local life drawing class. Having said all that, if paint by numbers gives you pleasure and you find it relaxing - that's great, all power to you - go for it!