I have always felt that it is a sad but inescapable fact of life that we can not all of us be good at every possible career. The most common example of this is people who grow up loving and playing a particular sport, but are not talented enough to go pro. But it is the same in any career - even joining a large company and doing okay, not every joiner will be a success. Some will be laid off at some point, some will do well but never end up particularly senior, some will end up running the place, with umpteen shades in between.
Forex is just like any other career in this respect - not everyone comes equipped with the right combination of factors in their favour to make a success of it. One of the many tests of this is whether one is emotionally and psychologically resilient enough. This can already be a pretty solitary way to spend a working life, once you dial in some losses into that - even good traders have the odd rough patch - some people will not like it and get out. Others can rationalize it, take it as part of the job and while some days will be more fun than others it does not cause them an overall problem.
Personally, I never get fed up with Forex, even when I have a losing day. A few will, and they might go and do something else with their lives because of it, because that is just how life is.
But even if someone posts on here and says yes, I'm hacked off and stopping, that won't have a negative impact on the ones on here who love it, and nor should it. Every career has the odd few people who try it and discover that it is not for them, currency trading is no different.