Fed Up!!!

Hello guys,

Firstly, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for all the advice and support here on this thread and through PM's. It means a lot and it just goes to show that behind all the lulz there are some really decent people here...

I've not had much time to reply today and I'm in work again soon but I'm off tomorrow so will try to reply properly then. However I will address the concerns that my anxiety and panic attacks may negatively impact my trading - I understand why many of you have brought this up but I just wanted to say, as I have before, that they only occur in certain social situations where I feel I am being judged by others, or in situations where I have no control (in public), such as on a plane or train. Although the last few times on the train have been good. When I'm at home or somewhere I am comfortable and in control I have no anxiety or panic attacks at all and I honestly believe that my anxiety won't negatively affect trading. Having said that, I am the sort of person that would need rules to follow. If I was discretionary trading, in all honesty, I'd probably chase losses. I guess only time will tell and you guys could well be right.

Anyway, sorry this reply isn't worthy of some of your responses but I have to get ready for work. I'll come back to this later or tomorrow. Thanks again everyone and enjoy your weekend.

Take a break from trading. The markets will still be there long after we've all gone, they won't miss you for a month or two. Spend a month doing nothing at all about trading, instead start trying to get help for your panic attacks. Try meditating, or if you dislike that kind of thing just go to the GP. If it's getting in the way of you passing job interviews or driving tests they will take it seriously and try and help you. Spend time with real friends, or at least real people - a bit worrying that you talk about the guys on here as being your 'friends' - we're not, we're just anonymous members of a forum. That also means taking a break from T2W. Seriously, don't log on here for at least a month, not even to check your PMs.

Once you feel you're making progress in these other areas, come back to trading, but don't trade just think about what you want to achieve, where you think you might be able to nick some profits, where you've gone wrong in the past. Draw up a plan. Spend maybe another month doing that.

After a couple of months you may decide there's more to life than trading and do something else, which is cool, I have a feeling it may not be for you actually, but you can see. When you come back, take Black Swan's advice and just trade very small while you build your confidence.

Good luck, take it easy.
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Hello guys,

Firstly, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for all the advice and support here on this thread and through PM's. It means a lot and it just goes to show that behind all the lulz there are some really decent people here...

I've not had much time to reply today and I'm in work again soon but I'm off tomorrow so will try to reply properly then. However I will address the concerns that my anxiety and panic attacks may negatively impact my trading - I understand why many of you have brought this up but I just wanted to say, as I have before, that they only occur in certain social situations where I feel I am being judged by others, or in situations where I have no control (in public), such as on a plane or train. Although the last few times on the train have been good. When I'm at home or somewhere I am comfortable and in control I have no anxiety or panic attacks at all and I honestly believe that my anxiety won't negatively affect trading. Having said that, I am the sort of person that would need rules to follow. If I was discretionary trading, in all honesty, I'd probably chase losses. I guess only time will tell and you guys could well be right.

Anyway, sorry this reply isn't worthy of some of your responses but I have to get ready for work. I'll come back to this later or tomorrow. Thanks again everyone and enjoy your weekend.


Panic attacks are an irrational response to a given scenario.

Usually occur when you have not been in that situation before and are ill prepared for it. Also for reasons you give - when you feel you will be judged and afraid of outcome.

Best option is to seek psychiatric help so you know what is the root cause imho. Were you put down, told off or mistreated when you were a child? Rejected by parents? What ever the cause anything else will be pussy footing around without getting to the root cause.

Are you are perfectionist? Have you never failed in anything? Is it expectations that you think people have of you?

Anyway - I'd seek help. Self help stuff, friends and familly will not help and are more likely to be the issue.

Having said that I usually deal with dissapointment and failure by following this questionaire...

1. Will it be remembered tomorrow?
Will it still be an issue?
Who is impacted by whatever? You - others etc?
Do you know what the problem is? What is the ETA for the solution.
Is there anything you can do now to alleviate problem tomorrow.
If yes get on with it you lazy sod.
If no then get on with life and stop being stupid.

2. Will it be remembered in two days time?
Repeat as above. Add what ever concerns / fears / objectives you have

3. Will it be remembered in a weeks time?
Repeat as above.

4. Will it be remembered in two weeks time?
You get the picture

5. Will it be an issue to you in one months time?

6. Will it be an issue in two months time?

7. Will it be remembered as a problem in 6 months time?

8. One year?

9. Will you still have issues with what ever is bugging you in two years time? That is March 2013. Where willl you be and what do you envisage your self doing?

10. Will you give a **** about it in 5 years time?

Thus you can put your worries in perspective.

Of course there is also the possibility you are **** at trading and lazy at work and just want a better life and frustrated at lack of progress. Just make sure you don't gamble your hard earnt cash and take a shrewd approach to your finances and investment decisions.

I concur with advice given to you but really think a shrink would be of some help with panick attacks. Go see your doctor this week. 👍
My sister was a blind diabetic.

This seriously made me think if there are any blind people that inject themselves or if it is possible (I'm not giving you the needle Splitlink - and no pin intended with that last bit either!)
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This seriously made me think if there are any blind people that inject themselves or if it is possible (I'm not giving you the needle Splitlink - and no pin intended with that last bit either!)

Yes, she did her own injections. She was a diabetic from 8 years and went blind when she was 30 so she had had plenty of practice, by then. She used to have three per day but it got reduced. Modern medicines, I suppose. She had a switchboard job with NatWest until she retired and rarely, if ever, missed work.

So, if anyone feels hard done by, my message is, spare a thought for those who would like to have what you have.
I'm feelin' so fed up tonight... Had a sh1te night in work. I hate my job (work in a pub). I can't trade for sh1t. Been trying to learn for over 2 years now and feel like I'm going backwards. Done very little actual trading in that time as I have not found an 'edge'. Doesn't help that I'm thick as pig sh1t. I keep thinking about giving the trading dream up but I can't.... I really want to be a trader and also I feel I can't do anything else because of my panic attacks - interviews and driving test are a no no as I either puke or faint 😢 I can drive alright I just can't do the test... If I could get a license I's like to start up a business doing carpet cleaning or something but I can't do the f**king test. Besides, I like the challenge of trading, it's definitely what I want to do I just feel like I am getting nowhere with it.

Anyway, I know y'all don't care I just need to have a good moan sometimes and there is nobody here to listen to me other than you guys.... My T2W friends. In fact I like you lot much more than my colleagues and customers!

So what do you guys do when you are really fed up and feeling low? How do you cheer yourselves up or relax? Any good jokes? Quotes? Words of wisdom? Sympathy? Ideas. N don't take the **** or I'll get Pazienza to behead you...


Bad news: everything you have written here is a reflection of your attitude, which means right now you've got a sh1tty attitude that isn't going to get you anywhere.

Good news: You can change it.
Yes, she did her own injections and went blind when she was 30

hopefully not because she was injecting into her eyes...

do diatetics not inject into the veins then? so its just a small pain in the ass as they dont need to find a vein
hopefully not because she was injecting into her eyes...

do diatetics not inject into the veins then? so its just a small pain in the ass as they dont need to find a vein

Diabtics inject into a fatty/muscular area. Like the abdomen wall. What is medically indicated is this: measure blood sugar at set point/s in the day and give yourself x units of insulin per measure of blood glucose level. If you are blind and not under 24hr medical supervision you can't see the meter or accurately measure the units of insulin you draw into the syringe. So it then becomes a game of "I feel like (x) so I think I need a medium hard pull on the syringe when I draw up the insulin" Over time blind diabtics get a very accurate feel of how they feel and how much medicine they need to draw up. It happens a lot more than people think.
Diabtics inject into a fatty/muscular area. Like the abdomen wall. What is medically indicated is this: measure blood sugar at set point/s in the day and give yourself x units of insulin per measure of blood glucose level. If you are blind and not under 24hr medical supervision you can't see the meter or accurately measure the units of insulin you draw into the syringe. So it then becomes a game of "I feel like (x) so I think I need a medium hard pull on the syringe when I draw up the insulin" Over time blind diabtics get a very accurate feel of how they feel and how much medicine they need to draw up. It happens a lot more than people think.

I was away, at sea, for many years and this brings back memories of part of family life when I was home, which I had, almost, forgotten. She used to hold up her syringe with the phial of insulin on the end of the needle and someone used to say "Up a bit, down a bit" etc. until it was right. She injected into her thigh. When my parents died and I was in Spain, she lived in a sheltered flat and I don't remember how she managed, now, but a nurse visited.

You seem to have an interest in this. Do you have a diabetic in your family?

I would say that my parents loved her and they had a hard time financially until NHS came in, in 1948. To young people I would say, be careful to keep the NHS going properly.Watch how the money is spent and don't waste it. You won't appreciate it, fully, until it is not there. Labour wasted money and at that rate the NHS cannot survive on cost grounds.
Don't give up too soon....Trading might not be easy. I have been learning resources since last 6 months and have not got much concept about it yet, It takes time .
i would suggest getting an account that you can plug into myfxbook , being able to see my stats has been a big help to me .
also I feel I can't do anything else because of my panic attacks - interviews and driving test are a no no as I either puke or faint 😢 I can drive alright I just can't do the test... If I could get a license I's like to start up a business doing carpet cleaning or something but I can't do the f**king test. Besides, I like the challenge of trading, it's definitely what I want to do I just feel like I am getting nowhere with it.

Just remembered, there was a guy (mid 40s) on an adult maths course I taught last year

He had speech problems and minor difficulties physically. He told me that he used to suffer from severe panic attacks in his 30s and so he hit the alchohol very hard. As soon as he was awake his panic attacks would start and so he would start drinking in the morning (I asked him if he poured the cider over his cornflakes) till night. He ended up having a stroke in his late 30s and the drs told him he would die if he didnt give up.

Basically he was referred to see someone about his panic attacks (psychologist/counsellor or something) They stopped his panic attacks and so he stopped drinking (he still has the odd pint).

Cant you get referred about panic attacks?
I was away, at sea, for many years and this brings back memories of part of family life when I was home, which I had, almost, forgotten. She used to hold up her syringe with the phial of insulin on the end of the needle and someone used to say "Up a bit, down a bit" etc. until it was right. She injected into her thigh. When my parents died and I was in Spain, she lived in a sheltered flat and I don't remember how she managed, now, but a nurse visited.

You seem to have an interest in this. Do you have a diabetic in your family?I would say that my parents loved her and they had a hard time financially until NHS came in, in 1948. To young people I would say, be careful to keep the NHS going properly.Watch how the money is spent and don't waste it. You won't appreciate it, fully, until it is not there. Labour wasted money and at that rate the NHS cannot survive on cost grounds.

My mom is a diabetec, but she's not blind. My wife is a registered nurse and I've worked in hospital labs and doctors offices for nearly ten years off and on. Over the years i have met enough blind diabetics that it doesn't surprise me anymore when I meet another one who self medicates. I would say that I've either met or heard about 10-15 people who did it in the last decade.
I worked with a girl who was a Type 1 and she was just to lazy to take her blood sugar, and she medicated by feel also. That's just plain stupid.
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My mom is a diabetec, but she's not blind. My wife is a registered nurse and I've worked in hospital labs and doctors offices for nearly ten years off and on. Over the years i have met enough blind diabetics that it doesn't surprise me anymore when I meet another one who self medicates. I would say that I've either met or heard about 10-15 people who did it in the last decade.
I worked with a girl who was a Type 1 and she was just to lazy to take her blood sugar, and she medicated by feel also. That's just plain stupid.

We seem to have taken the thread off topic a bit, but still, it's interesting to us.

Blood testing is a bit difficult, isn't it? My sister used urine tests which I understood to be slow. Nevertheless, that's what the doctors provided her, in those days, for self-testing. The paper turned blue for too much sugar.

It's a worry for the family when they won't take care of themselves---and a lot of them won't. My sister could be very stubborn even when my mother could see the signs. A quick remedy was a cup of tea with sugar in it, but getting her to take it was another matter!

I'm talking about the period between the thirties and the eighties. I'm sure that treatment is a lot better these days.
So what do you guys do when you are really fed up and feeling low? How do you cheer yourselves up or relax? Any good jokes? Quotes? Words of wisdom? Sympathy? Ideas. N don't take the **** or I'll get Pazienza to behead you...

you need to man up
and start taking control of yourself and care for yourself, and taking action to better youself
because no one is going to help you better than yourself, and no one really cares about your problems, not even the shrink (they care about your money though), even friends or family, even your own blood can betray

this sounds "harsh" but it is the truth i have personally learned for many years now

when you are in your 20s you can get away with being "tormented young man" but one day you will be 60 and living in a council bedsit alone, and you will just be "creepy old nutter man and a waster" and you will think, i wish i could go back to my 20s and man up and take the damn test and start that carpet business
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you need to man up
and start taking control of yourself and care for yourself, and taking action to better youself
because no one is going to help you better than yourself, and no one really cares about your problems, not even the shrink (they care about your money though), even friends or family, even your own blood can betray

this sounds "harsh" but it is the truth i have personally learned for many years now

Different people respond to different triggers.

Some need encouragement
Some need inducement - carrot - bribe - payment 👍
Some need stick
Some need basic help and guidance

I find that if a child has grown up being encouraged to do some thing and motivated with rewards - shouting and telling them sternly to do something does not yield fruitful results.

If a child has grown up being told off, slapped and commanded then a sharp few words and some good old rebuke is likely to have the desired affect as that is what he is used to and will respond. In contrast if you try and encourage such a child with kind words - he'll look you in the eye and take you for a ride. Either way reading the situation and responding in an ideal manner is tough choice for anyone.

Problem with this open forum where you have so many people with different idiosyncrasies - with us not knowing each other that well you'll get very diverse list of recommendations. All well intentioned by the way and good to know everyone cares to contribute but not necessarily the desired outcome. Who knows?

Everything else is ok and we all have bad days and feel fed up but the - panic attacks need medical council imho. As somebody suggested it may mask underlying issues in temperament which may adversely effect your ability to control your psychololgy. (Must confess - I too have this problem... err controlling psychology whilst in a trade that is. 😱 )
when you are in your 20s you can get away with being "tormented young man" but one day you will be 60 and living in a council bedsit alone, and you will just be "creepy old nutter man and a waster" and you will think, i wish i could go back to my 20s and man up and take the damn test and start that carpet business
