Anyone use systems in 'Way oif teh turtle@?


Hi - just read 'way of teh turtle'.

LEave aside teh turtle method for now - in it Curtis Faith in one particular chapter compares about 5 or 6 different basic strategies and displays teh results of the testing.

SOme of teh results are very impressive.

HAs anyone here tried them? And if not why not?

As in - are we all mad to try tpo com,e up with one ourselves when we have a few right there with all the results displayed for us. Dont re-invent the wheel and all that !

ANyway - just curious if someone has actuially traded with one of those systems and how did they get on?
And if you chose not to trade with one of those systmes then why not?
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They probably didn't get on good, or they wouldn't be here reading, hoping for a free money making method.
Yeah chances are if one of them worked really successfully, they won't be sat on a forum telling people about it, but you never know!
I hear (although I don't know first hand) that it's still a valid system, but only if the rules are followed precisely. The thing about the Turtles system is that the returns (when they come in) are very large, but the drawdown in between wins can be huge too.

I don't trade it because I think there are easier strategies which are far less stressful!