Way of the Turtle

No offence taken, i think i should clarify the context of the statement, it was intended for the beginner trader, someone who has just got the bug. Im just pointing out the work and effort that needs to go into success. reading 'way of the turtle' and hoping for the answer is not going to get you far, and although they would learn something from investigating the method, ultimately its a waste of time. The same lessons could be learn whilst looking at the right place. A trading screen. Not a charting package 4 nights a week. There are many places you can go where a screen, money and teaching is available, and its free, If you really want to do it, save enough money to commit serious time to it. and if you lose, its not even your money!

If anyone wants a pointer if the direction of any of these firms, let me know.

Much better use of time and money, IMO.
I like the way this book points to the psychological advantage curtis had over the other traders proving that as much as the system they were using, it was his state of mind which helped him outperform the other turtles.
It should also be noted the number of times Dennis went belly up and how he is trying to this day to recapitalize himself