Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Not sure the need to fight the upward moves esp US markets, no medals for getting in early and no bet is an option if you are unsure.
Short light sweet
long pork bellies-statement in the post-stop 3 hogs short of a sausage
Cant believe the resilience in the markets given the weakness over the past fortnight.
Dow has given up now, lets see if that can bring Europe down.

Yes if Dow continues to drop you may get your target. (But then they'll only drag it up later)

Ftse is the only indices with any cahoonas today, down 60, up 65 is it time now for 70 down, all this while the others have hardly moved. Watch this space. 😱😱
3/21 serious sell, somebody got nervous
3/22 gap down, a bit lower from there, buyers not interested,flat line whole day
3/23 a bit of a rally mid day after a boring azz a.m.
3/24 gap down, and like ZERO interest in buying, talk about take this market off life support?
3/27 HUGE GAP DOWN, buyers/gamblers step in (that's what they do)
3/28 continuation of the buying, speculators hanging on, new bulls emboldened

and today.
Gap down, no interest in any serious buying.

and, here we are. 😀

thats the way i see it


we bulls don't take no %$#! we bad! 😀
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I get the feeling I'm having a staring competition with the dax to see who blinks first. I'm guessing it 'could' sit at 12,200 for the next 15 hours unmoved then jump 50 points in minutes.
oh dammit...this will stall out here..da bulls don't want to give up an inch. and shorts are righteous indignation.

dick around teritory till either side gets fed up and concedes a foot or two🙁