Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

many years ago a guy came on Bloomberg and pointed out that periphery were able to borrow at same rate as Germany, and he said this could not continue, so think they shorted a basket of periphery countries versus long Germany, I suspect they broke Greece to protect the US bond market?

Ok, I understand. Even a few months ago some investment houses were proposing various strategies of selling the periphery and buying the core. Just last week I saw a proposal from a big investement house to sell Italian bonds and buy Spanish bonds and take advantage of the spread between the two. what about this pair trade Barjon ? :)

Below an interesting article. A few years ago you could buy Greek or most European debt cheaper than US treasuries.
research puzzle pix by tom brakke

In my case I've just accumulated a position without any hedge. Pls PM me to give you more details.
many commentators are saying Greece will be out of the euro in xxx months, I do not agree, the debt plantation requires debt slaves, If Greece were to leave and prospered debt free and outside of the EU it would send the wrong message to the slaves still inside.

Imagine how great it would be if Greece left, their economy would boom, it has everything, they could have a 0.5% corporation tax, they would become like Hong Kong without the hurricanes.

:LOL: nice scenario, of course real life is usually more complicated :)
many years ago a guy came on Bloomberg and pointed out that periphery were able to borrow at same rate as Germany, and he said this could not continue, so think they shorted a basket of periphery countries versus long Germany, I suspect they broke Greece to protect the US bond market?

and if you want my opinion for now, in contrast with some years ago, now someone sould buy he periphery and short the Bunds. Because eventually the lines in the graph of the article will come again close together....because we are after all a big family :D
and if you want my opinion for now, in contrast with some years ago, now someone sould buy he periphery and short the Bunds. Because eventually the lines in the graph of the article will come again close together....because we are after all a big family :D

ahh brother zorbas :love:

hi bustech...will the Asian session bring some action later?

Hi Samirs

No data day and Japan closed for Labor Thanksgiving Day.
Might copy the FTSE and slow grind higher.
ASX range 4400/05 to 4430/35
Bit of caution today ASX is up 1.6% for the week.
Plus I will be away from the markets for 2 or 3 hours today.
Hong Kong also hitting resistance around at 21,850
CME back on line in 2 hours.
hi bustech

CME Thanksgiving Calendar

Thursday, Nov 22
1030 CT - Trading halt
1700 CT – Equity products resume trading

Friday, Nov 23
1215 CT – Early CME Globex close for trade date Friday, Nov 23

So on Friday CME closes at 12:15 CT with no after hours trading.

CME holidays trading hours

Not sure on what basis SB companies have been quoting US indices when CME is closed down

Thanks Samirs

Not sure if this story will effect trading in China today.
Road built around building as couple refuse to move in China | Mail Online
I read this earlier. Interesting. What impact would you expect if any of this on trading?


Only joking no impact.
morning jungerns

just watching video, a women turned 100k into 41 million in about four years, she traded options, selling premium.
post it SD!

htw, the women says she stopped looking at charts and trying to guess market direction and instead started to use standard deviation and selling option premium, she gives nothing else away. think the show is just a promotion for an option brokerage.

she looks ahead 60 days and sells standard deviation above 2.5 which gives her very low probability of loss, thats what i gleaned from the 24min video.

i post it but the above is all you can get from video. 10:25 she gets to the strategy

Trading - turned 100k into $41 million option trading - YouTube