Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

still can't figure this?

Think it was the DOW going lower after the FTSE close which draged it down.
Plus after the DOW close there was downgrade to Spain. DOW was down 50 points in 60 mins after the close. Sent everything down.
Gave some great buying in AUS and Asia.
Morning barjon

Spotted it in Asia, great trade.
Felt like getting someone from T2W to phone and wake you up:LOL:.

:LOL: well it ain't great yet, ftse still +40 strong at 9:00am was above water for a bit but splashing about in the shallows atm
Think it was the DOW going lower after the FTSE close which draged it down.
Plus after the DOW close there was downgrade to Spain. DOW was down 50 points in 60 mins after the close. Sent everything down.
Gave some great buying in AUS and Asia.

thanks bus...i was thinking manipulation ....probably a lot of stops down there..
Guys where do you think the FTSE should be right at this time bearing in mind the Dow weakness of last night.........??
Ok I still have one FTSE Short somewhat offside at averaged 5761...........

Holding naturally but seems to be strength there nevertheless.
Ok I still have one FTSE Short somewhat offside at averaged 5761...........

Holding naturally but seems to be strength there nevertheless.

The one to watch is the DOW, there is possible a lot of upside today.
Which would take the FTSE with it.
The one to watch is the DOW, there is possible a lot of upside today.
Which would take the FTSE with it.

Yes I agree entirely.....

Having said that all the sites I'm reading yesterday and today indicate Sentiment is bad.........
My own opinion as expressed before is that major Indices are in line for a major correction south.
blimey ftse got even stronger

last night 16:35 ftse 5772 dow 13406
now...............ftse 5799 (+27) dow 13362 (-44)

if ftse had kept pace with dow it should be -22 at 5750