Sold at 5220 from 4955 buy.
Interested to see if this 4hr channel will break:
Office fight (full version) - YouTube
anyone seen this before of live footage in a trading room? what the guy on the right throwing things at the trader on the otherside of the room... his patience eventually snaps ... his reaction is amazing
dj is that you in that video?
I think this is the one that DC has been waiting for. He said the previous waves all sold off. This time he believes it will break out and keep going up. Something like 11898 on the Dow cash. I forget what his target was for the FTSE cash. I think it was above 5500.
i'm all sqeak and no pip so far, havn't felt comfortable with divergence divergence.
prior to my volume charts going on the blik again i noted some heavy vol around 206 area so thats key at the mo for me. maybe they were having a sneaky selloff but a trade above is a different story
good story so far:cheesy:
Yes, he just made me lose 30 points! 😡
I agree, but I wonder if they are going to really, really sneaky and sell off now to make it look like the market has now turned back in the channel.... get them all short... then "bang" turn it round tomorrow and really spoil their weekend!!!
I think this is the one that DC has been waiting for. He said the previous waves all sold off. This time he believes it will break out and keep going up. Something like 11898 on the Dow cash. I forget what his target was for the FTSE cash. I think it was above 5500.
5700 was FTSE
304 comming close but DOW about to produce sell signal without target hit
big respect bro' , you is clearly one wicked trader , yeah!
cheers dj, but dc called it first all i did was call an entry🙂
still it was nice to have a wee bit of glory:clap:
Sold at 5220 from 4955 buy.
Interested to see if this 4hr channel will break:
Two edges to the field 5359 & 5292 which way will the bulls go?
Answers on a post card please🙂
what sell signal is that DC - my money flow index is divergent, but price action still looks healthy.. what you seeing?