Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Hi Boys and Girls

China CPI always hard to read a market reacation.
AUD may gap lower, EUR may gap higher.
Japan data the market mover for Monday.
Song I heard this weekend, RIP Laura.
Laura Branigan - Gloria [1982] - YouTube


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Yay, it dropped slightly.

After 11 it was pretty much impossible on any timeframe other than 1 min. Sometimes 1 min has advantages because gaps are more frequent - and gaps show S/R levels and breakouts.

Using stop of 6 point:

+ 40 in the morning
-/+ ? after 12. I got a bit confused and stayed 'out'.
+ 30 since 3:30
+ this bear move

-/+ £0 because I'm not trading.

Here was my basic strategy.

When price hits new high/low it retraces to an S/R level in the trend and rebounds. If there is no obvious S/R level in the pullback then it will reach new high/low until it finds one - presumably because if traders don't observe any roadblocks to the trend they will keep entering with the trend. Eventually the price reverses through an S/R level and continues until it reaches the next S/R level and then rebounds. How far it rebounds depends on whether there are obvious S/R levels in the pullback. Sometimes it can rebound over 100% AFTER it has broken an S/R level for a reverse. Also zig-zag does not tell you what the trend is.

There's even more to it than that.

If this was easy or always 100% to textbook I'd be doing it right now for money. I'm getting better at it though.

Don't know how far this current bear move will go, though it did break range lower. switching off now though.

am i reading this right et is that +70 for the day? how many trades would that be?
Morning All
Morning jungerns
BHP -0.25%
RIO + 4%
Asian markets mixed.
Very flat, hard to get a lead for the FTSE from this part of the world
The view from Dom Pickard

The Trader's Market Outlooks: Monday 10 September


Expectations are now growing that the Fed will shortly join the ECB in undertaking further monetary stimulus. The lousy jobs figures on Friday clearly make it more likely that Ben Bernanke will embark upon a third round of quantitative easing sooner rather than later. If so, this should be helpful to the ongoing rally in European equities, as well as to the Euro and to commodities.

Despite a sell-off in the DAX and FTSE from their early-Friday highs, I see their rallies as being in good shape. Neither index is particularly stretched on their daily charts, while the sell-off has been pretty mild in the scheme of things. This all bodes well for a renewal of the upside before too long. I am also favourably disposed towards EURGBP and GBPUSD.
Silver has exploded to 33,7

Could it be true that a big short squeeze is in the works, as of a video posted here on this thread a week or so ago ?
It will probably be a positive week, at least up to the Fed announcement.

On Wednesday the German Constitutional Court will pronounce on whether the euro bailout fund is legal. It will probably rule in favour. But you cannot exclude a fudge or a deferral, which would make matters difficult.
On Wednesday the German Constitutional Court will pronounce on whether the euro bailout fund is legal. It will probably rule in favour. But you cannot exclude a fudge or a deferral, which would make matters difficult.

Everything is possible , huge swings could be the outcome. In this market one should keep very tight SLs.