Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

New world reserve currency when floated.

The way old Davie boy Cameron is talking you'd think Sterling would look like this soon:


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The way old Davie boy Cameron is talking you'd think Sterling would look like this soon:

Soon, youngster?

I can remember when that figure represented 18 months earnings to me!

My father bought his house in West Hampstead for 1300 pounds and needed a mortgage. Admitted, the V2s were still dropping but he took, what Barjon would call, a calculated risk. :D. It was not, exactly. the blitz. then, but I can remember where 3 rockets fell on W.Hampstead, so the price of property was not, exactly, in a price bubble.
After I got stopped out of the FTSE I was lucky and entered into USOIL at 94,75. Currently at 96,10. Haven't close yet, but will soon.
anyone catch any of the EURUSD move? 180 pt move

Not sure but I certainly have taken every pip rise in Sterling since Posting Monday of the trade.........
Pip and Points closed and booked up 534 for the week across the board all told, so no complaints with Super Mario here......!!
sounds like your in the super league jungerns

Just one of those weeks to be honest. Pips/Points were over 3 Platforms. The GBP/USD was certainly not my idea of a trade as I posted at the time when Samirs queried it........
I know better than to turn my nose up at Forex trades from my two friends as its absolutely not my bag at all, and my record on Forex off my own back, has been marginally above shocking !

Have got a stop moved behind now at 1.6005 and may let it ride over weekend or close before end tonight. The target is /was 1.6325 so am inclined to let it run.......
To show you what I mean about being shocking about Forex selections off my own back I still have open a trade open from May 15th this year gradually nearing parity only just now !! As it was only £1 a pip then I guess no problem.....
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Closed oil at 96,02 although I have the feeling that it willnrun a little more. I'll try to renter next week.
Just one of those weeks to be honest. Pips/Points were over 3 Platforms. The GBP/USD was certainly not my idea of a trade as I posted at the time when Samirs queried it........
I know better than to turn my nose up at Forex trades from my two friends as its absolutely not my bag at all, and my record on Forex off my own back, has been marginally above shocking !

Have got a stop moved behind now at 1.6005 and may let it ride over weekend or close before end tonight. The target is /was 1.6325 so am inclined to let it run.......
To show you what I mean about being shocking about Forex selections off my own back I still have open a trade open from May 15th this year gradually nearing parity only just now !! As it was only £1 a pip then I guess no problem.....

yes forex is a nono for me as well...tried but my sys just doesn't work on forex

you get a lot of drawdown on these tips?
oops more than that in account, ah, ftse close 5787 (+12) - all = +44 net (for the uninitiated it's double stake on ftse)

mmm, closed too early 'nother 15 ftse points in it atm - hope you did better, solo
yes forex is a nono for me as well...tried but my sys just doesn't work on forex

you get a lot of drawdown on these tips?

Dick I got crucified some time ago for using terminolgy that didn't correspond to the norm (apparently) although I knew what I meant..........

If you are asking at what expense to myself re those tips than the answer is zero for reasons that I mentioned once before....

I have never had a losing trade from them, although I have certainly had overnight financing costs as some have been held for several weeks (to get that winner)

I would be utterly certain that they dont hold trades in the way I do/have done !!