Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

We made a new high. Obviously a bearish correction is going to happen eventually but I thought it would have occurred before a new high. My prediction was wrong.

I am expecting also a big correction. However seems unlikely for the moment with all these central banks and politicians declarations every day.
FTSE pivots for Tuesday

Buy 5734
Sell 5728

Dow pivots Tuesday

Buy 13,087
Sell 13,081

Dax pivots for Tuesday

Buy 6961
Sell 6954
sorry just got back

well there was one hoping for some news (leaked) on stimulus / rate reduction / further easing .....

anyways at least we got following

Draghi Told Lawmakers ECB Can Buy Three-Year Bonds, MEP Says

The problem, here, is that, half the time, I don't know what the hell these people are talking about. I don't think that I am the only one, either.:D

I believe that this up and down of the Euro against the dollar is a carefully thought out plan by Brussels. They say that those in Brussels are stupid.
Really? :sneaky:
anyone know how to get out of doing jury service

If its a serious question than yes I do.......

You need to send a written letter to the Court explaining you suffer from "Restless Leg" syndrome.........
Its a real condition where basically you cant keep still and as by the name you cant keep your legs still.
I genuinely occasional suffer from it and it really is tiresome because you are forced to move. You cant stop yourself. You cant do that in a Jury Box.......

Google it (you might have to take a quick visit to your Doc to mention the symptons in advance)....
true...but it is not just euro...they are managing / impacting all asset classes

who knows when someone would declare overtly / covertly additional stimulus and from which corner of the world and how the market would react

Yes, but we are dealing with the two largest reserve currencies, here. If Washington and Brussels can swing market sentiment one way, or the other, the fortunes being made can be unimaginable. I know that we, and much bigger people tha us, cannot swing markets but I am sure that the seats of power in Washington and Brussels can and are doing this-
ECB forecasts from a forex provider.


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Morning All
BHP +0.81%
RIO +1.50%
Asian markets slightly lower, bit of a relief rally on the AUD.
Looking to buys FTSE on any dips, looking for Mondays support levels to buy into.
DIV payment is 7.6, which should encourage the buyers.
USA back in the game, think SD said they are normaly postive after a long weekend.
30 to go Sydney and Tokyo.
more upside today?

FTSE close yesterday implies Dow +90, actual dow is +32pts so far.

FTSE above buy pivot and GDOW above buy pivots says markets are bullish. Weak dollar and rising us treasury yields means money coming out of safety