Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

"Spain said it wants Europe's central bank to commit to massive, open-ended 'debt buys' before govt asks for bailout"

At the present, I am interested in closing out my FT long!

What happens to Europe's finances are outside of my jurisdiction but I'll tell you what I think.

That Brussels is not so stupid. It is manipulating the Euro/$ rate more carefully--ie, up aand down, than we realise.
Everytime I say that I am going to do something on this thread it goes wrong! Someone accused me of being a guru, several weeks ago.

I wish!

Anyway, I've gone short, now, but am not saying when or at what level.
Everytime I say that I am going to do something on this thread it goes wrong! Someone accused me of being a guru, several weeks ago.

I wish!

Anyway, I've gone short, now, but am not saying when or at what level.

Senor Splitlink use the pivots u cannot go wrong they are like the North Star.
Everytime I say that I am going to do something on this thread it goes wrong! Someone accused me of being a guru, several weeks ago.

I wish!

Anyway, I've gone short, now, but am not saying when or at what level.

Checking out for the night, leaving a limit buy at 5795.

Tuesday is FSTE div day at the close.
Checking out for the night, leaving a limit buy at 5795.

Tuesday is FSTE div day at the close.

Senor Splitlink u have a negative mindset, the subconscious mind is creative, so when u think negatively the subconscious mind will bring about the very things u fear, losing money in this case. Be positive think positive.
I can see why you have picked 5834. Don't be afraid of saying what you think. It is, certainly, bearish looking, so far, this morning, but there is, also, a possibility that we have seen the day's low.

Who knows?

Thanks for those words of encouragement. I think I should not be afraid to be precise with my language when I make predictions.

I wrote

Don't know whether the day will be bullish or not but I'm expecting it is going down to 5834 at some point today. Maybe it will bounce again after. Looks like a H&S 9.30 on 1 min.

BTW I'm not trading money and if I get this wrong I probably won't be making other public guesses for a while. At the Beta testing stage.

I should I have said I was not making the prediction based on 1 min H&S, which was why I said "sometime today" - it faked but the price has now hit 5834. I was looking at the 4hr chart and just hoping it might continue with the H&S and it did not. Trend does not move in a straight line! :)

Right now I'm looking for a W to appear below the 5834 line, possibly visible on 5min chart, with the price dipping as low as 5826. If it surges below 5826 then this is wrong. If one does appear I'm not confident of the price going above 5850.

BTW I'm using price information, S/R lines and the Fibonacci tool to make my predictions.
Don't know whether the day will be bullish or not but I'm expecting it is going down to 5834 at some point today. Maybe it will bounce again after. Looks like a H&S 9.30 on 1 min.

BTW I'm not trading money and if I get this wrong I probably won't be making other public guesses for a while. At the Beta testing stage. :D

great call et
Thanks! I'll keep making predictions then, ad hoc.

As for my latest, there was a W in the right area 5834- 5826 (went slightly lower to 5823.3) but it got slammed at the second return to 5834 and became an M. Didn't expect that. I thought it would not go above 5850 but I expected more of a bullish move. I didn't predict the plunge so soon... sorry if anyone got distracted by that prediction.

I'm not sure what is happening now. In terms of today, think it is over-sold, but it looks like a significant move down so that could be a trend marker for the week...

Right now I'm looking for a W to appear below the 5834 line, possibly visible on 5min chart, with the price dipping as low as 5826. If it surges below 5826 then this is wrong. If one does appear I'm not confident of the price going above 5850.

BTW I'm using price information, S/R lines and the Fibonacci tool to make my predictions.
There has been a strong bullish reversal starting 15.27 (about 5 minutes after my last post saying it was over-sold :D ) starting 5800.8, to current high 5834.8.

I now think we could be going back to 5850 or just below. But not necessary straight away. This could be forming an IHS with the 5834 as approximate neckline.

However, I don't have a specific signal right now either way. I would consider bullish continuation above 5830 whilst waiting to see if the 2hr candle (ends in 1 hr 30 mins) ends bullish.

I'm logging off so I won't know. I suspect it will and the price will go to just below 5850 and then drop.

I would prefer the price not to drop as I like bullish markets, but that's my thinking.
There has been a strong bullish reversal starting 15.27 (about 5 minutes after my last post saying it was over-sold :D ) starting 5800.8, to current high 5834.8.

I now think we could be going back to 5850 or just below. But not necessary straight away. This could be forming an IHS with the 5834 as approximate neckline.

However, I don't have a specific signal right now either way. I would consider bullish continuation above 5830 whilst waiting to see if the 2hr candle (ends in 1 hr 30 mins) ends bullish.

I'm logging off so I won't know. I suspect it will and the price will go to just below 5850 and then drop.

I would prefer the price not to drop as I like bullish markets, but that's my thinking.

thanks et