Painfully slow today.Also doubled up @ 33065
Profits locked in.
Painfully slow today.Also doubled up @ 33065
out here +100L 33045
😊Oh look, the Dow boys are buying it again and it will get faster into close as usual. Hold your longs!
out here +100
+100 its never wrong.Long 33060 into the close for the win.
So just holding 33219 now
And closed a +100, a +64 and +70 in add-ons
Nicely up on day despite getting it 'wrong'
Just keep playing the position until very nicely in profits and all positions are in profit
We know where it's headed lol
Me too 🤣🤣🤣shit balls. Literally had my finger hovering the buy button there and missed the move! lol. That was quick!
Not to worry. OK day