Dow's Theme.
lets goooooo!!!L 32385
Minor adjustment to plan.OK heres the gameplan.
Every American knows Stonks only go up. They know this is the last stimmy 'cheque' (yes you dumb yanks we invented the language thats how you spell it) so they are going to buy stonks.
The banksters (smart guys) have pumped the prices of stonks to the max, Joe public is now going to buy stonks off MOC and associated T2W fellows at all time highs then the banksters are going to pull the rug thus transferring $1.9 Trillion from the poor tothe richus.
2 weeks after the money hits the markets its funtime.
Looking for 300 points on thisL 32385
devastated .... bloody yankshi all - so i'm still holding my long from lunchtime entry 6715....6750 would be nice , but am secretly hoping for 6800🤔. spoos off to the races in from 3930.35 and holding untl the stimmy cheques all cashed lol !! have fun
Only 300 ??? 😂Looking for 300 points on this
half way there already 🙂Looking for 300 points on this
ha! Just going by volaility measure and trend. Seems likely by today tomorrow. Could go for more, but i'd expect some sort of retrace in betweenOnly 300 ??? 😂
half off here for +200 points 🙂L 32385
Order in to close this when it gives me 10 full ES points profit shortly.L es 3947