Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Took an 80 point loss.
Never ever shorting the dow ever again pinky promise.
Should have known better!

You know you knew that would happen.

I know you do.

Just couldn't resist, tho, could you?

Don't do it again, not while there's trillions being printed, anyway.


Stop reading fibber-trader's posts and you'll be less tempted.
FOMO half size L 32350
might have got in at what liked the worst point in the world, but it's not looking too bad.
Imagine if i'd shorted after a big drop, though. I'd probably be looking at a -200 point drawdown right about now lol. That's the difference.

Gonna hold it overnight and see how we're looking tomorrow. Half size as said. PLENTY of room to add and make it a very nice winning trade