Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

This is the Danse Macabre of a market moments before it falls into a grave, with central banks desperately injecting adrenaline and pumping at the chest.
Who knows how long before someone calls 'time'.
BofA August fund manager survey seems to support the idea that more and more people who should know what they're talking about think it's no longer a bear market. I have no idea what I'm talking about but to me everything has that "it's quiet,too quiet" feel about it just before the massacre.

Still taking a few small longs on the cac though😛
Looking at the charts tells me the markets are expecting some good news today. Maybe some unexpected stimulus? But the s&p went up to all time high levels overnight and so will be back there again today!
S&P 'New all time high on the open' doesn't have the same ring to it.
Short dax 12997