Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

S&P is 180 points off closing the gap down from February, nothing will stop it now.
Euro markets will not follow it that high.
Nearly time to short that dax.
What does that tell you about placing stops?

My initial stop loss was 100pips which is higher than my usual 30/40pips . I had some confidence market would drop from 12270 but obviously not all trade plays out well. Didnt fancy adjusting my SL yesterday and was happy to take loss , although loses do still hurt.
The dax first upward trendline is broken, I just need the second one to go then some random meaningless news article to 'trigger' the fall.
Powell puts returning to a tight labour market 'front and centre' for
policy outlook; walks away from any view on ballooning govt debt
from Marc Ostwald