Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Just scalped a 100pt'r 🙂

Does it make sense to load up on equities that have tanked but are now well below market value
It will make sense as soon as its clear, but that is the hard part. The aim of the market is always to churn out the weak - if the weak are on the same side as the big players then we cant move higher, so we get a stalling market. But as you can see in the red lines the weak are getting more and more resilient to being shaken out - in fact, since Oct 2019 they have been stubborn as anything, not dumping, they have been on easy street and have not being forced to make a decision until now lol. The virus has been the "opportunity" to create the effect. There will always be a reason along with a background situation such as we have had since Oct.

This is the market dynamics, and sometimes they are brutal, except for those with low leverage and cash ready to pout to work .😉


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... And as more government officials fall ill, we can't help but wonder how much longer until the Ayatollah gets sick?

You just know theres a bunch of 'men in black' in the USA wondering how they can take advantage of this situation.
That "should be the low" and now for gap fills - but where have we heard that before 🤣, nice open 1,2 drive down - bring in longs on the open, dump them, get them to chase short and add that into yesterday, we have a herded market finally.
Just for a laff.

PULL UP A 10 sec chart on Nas. Theres an expanding megaphone in play as we speak.

Was a megaphone got us into this mess.
Wonder if they work in reverse.
Stuff it....i'm long 😉
That was 3 Dow contracts. i have one legacy Dow long contract which is 1300 points down...gulp
Hmmm... and I was having a second look at my position down 150.

So your holding a 1300 point underwater position and taking 175 point profits.
I think a number of people will understand the problem here.