Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

MAs still indicating down trend on HTF and Out +148

DOW H1 03-09-19.JPG
An orderly methodical selloff over next 4-6 weeks might not attract as much media attention as a freefall of -500pts, but achieve the same goal. W/O provoking trumpanator attention & tweets

he can claim it's good for the market to purge and realign
So much to overcome here higher, US just coming off a major holiday running smack dab into the end of "summer".

trump running amock. depressing....

this is the anticlimax, and the markets may feel it too🙁
The market is in denial and I don't mean a river in Egypt. Today is the day it MIGHT learn that sht happens.🤔

What I really mean is it has to get "used" to the fact this is lower. Might take little time for market to "GET IT"

Once they're cool with it....
The market is in denial and I don't mean a river in Egypt. Today is the day it MIGHT learn that sht happens.🤔

What I really mean is it has to get "used" to the fact this is lower. Might take little time for market to "GET IT"

Once they're cool with it....

The market is always right!
If its you vs the market and you're wrong then you're in denial.
this whole day has been underwater. what, we're going to shoot up here with one more tweet from the orange musilini ?

trump shot his wad