Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Well that was 'interesting'.
Anyone know why the dow just dropped 180 points in 50 seconds. Nothing from the Trumpster.

Yeah, failure to set dates for talks to resume. Also, China has lodged a dispute with the WTO.

Trump ain't even started Tweeting yet. Just waiting for him to get started. 😆

The short boat is loaded up....just waiting now for the tide. 👍


No break of yet
"This time might be different".

I have resistance @ 26400 (YM), and is there ANY reason for this to go higher this week??

At SOME point this market needs to come to grips with reality.
Afternoon chaps!

Which way will the US kick the can today eh?
Prefer to just play the flow as it presents itself rather than having a view, as human nature tends to become influenced by the view, which is not always a great scenario. Let volume imbalance lead the way - IMHO only others may disagree