Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

profit target is in at 12621 for now
Waiting for a possible add-on. We'll see!

PS - I'm hearing old Davie Robertson has fleeced another load of money from gullible people on twitter. Amazing that he's been able to actually make a living at robbing people for so long! Is it a loophole in the law or are the police just a but useless?!

A fool and their money are soon parted.
Its either him taking their money or the brokers, they were going to lose it anyway. 🙄

I wonder if Pip invested? 😆


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will be back in if it's kind enough yo give me a dip. Wouldn't bank on that, though
Still holding dow from a few minute ago and my long term NQ
Good luck.


NQ is up 80 NQ points from my posted entry. Only small size unfortunately since it's a swing, but that's a lot of points for the NQ so doing very good there!

Dow will pay me some money whatever happens. Will close it when it gets up to where it a few hours back - 21110 or so
tempted dax long again soon, i think. Would like a bit more of a drop, but might miss out for being greedy