Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Given the dax is closed tomorrow I would expect it to finish at 12,600 so theres 40 points left in it IMO.


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Not that I think it can get that low today, but got a buy limit in at 20928 for now and am off out for a bit.
Gone long some NQ for a medium term trade/swing.
Think i'm done for the day. Treated myself to GTA on the playstation earlier so gonna check it out, lol.

Still holding this NQ from last week! Gonna close it at around 2450 on the ES (hopefully)
Asian stocks were mostly up, reflecting the publication of the Fed's minutes and investors waiting for the OPEC meeting. In China, markets ended in different directions after Moody's decision to cut the rating of the country that led the Shanghai stock exchange to the lowest level in the last 7 months was announced yesterday.
What was the ES june futures high so far this morning/globex? Can't get my futures platform working.
profit target is in at 12621 for now
Waiting for a possible add-on. We'll see!

PS - I'm hearing old Davie Robertson has fleeced another load of money from gullible people on twitter. Amazing that he's been able to actually make a living at robbing people for so long! Is it a loophole in the law or are the police just a but useless?!
The dax is 'only' up 200 points in the last 10 days, even the ftse has managed 150.
Dax is 'relatively' weak recently, and 12,700 seems to be a problem.